The income tax wasn’t integral to anything the Founders of this country had in mind and it wasn’t integral to anything they designed. Your Money or Your Life: Why We Must Abolish the Income Tax shows where the income tax and the IRS came from, and recounts not only how they came to be but why. What makes Richman’s analysis different is that he shows that the special evils of the IRS and income tax are not accidental, something that can be eliminated just by putting the right people in charge or by offering a few reforms here and there. They are intrinsic to the purpose for which the IRS and the income tax exist. And that’s why Richman proposes that the whole thing just be repealed. This book shows how the income tax makes you poorer. Reading Richman’s discussion of it will make you richer.
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Product Details
- Author: Sheldon Richman
- Publisher: Future of Freedom Foundation
- Release Date: 1999
- Page Count: 112 pages