Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Lin Yutang, a Classical Liberal Voice for a Free China

China Rising! The news media has stories every day about China’s continued positioning as a geopolitical and economic “power” on the international stage. Beijing says its economy will have strong growth in 2021, as it increases military spending to back up China’s gunboat diplomacy in East Asia, and stifles any remaining residues of democracy and civil liberties in Hong Kong. Domestically, the stranglehold of the Chinese Communist Party under the leadership of President Xi Jinping is tightened over the lives and actions of its own citizens. Demonstrating its commanding power over everyone in the country, every time a fear emerges about a new outbreak of the coronavirus, the central authority locks down whole cities and entire provinces with their tens of millions of people, and orders them to stay home and do what the government tells them to do . . . or else. China’s Surveillance State with Concentration Camps The communist regime is the surveillance state, par excellence, with informers on ...

Edwin Cannan: An Economist Who Protested against Big Government

One hundred years ago, the countries of Europe were trying to recover from the consequences of the First World War. It was not only the cost in human life (estimated to be more than 20 million people) and the military expenditures of nearly $5 trillion in today’s dollars. It was the political and ideological legacies of the war, as well. The relatively classical liberal institutions that had generally prevailed in many of the Western nations before the war had been weakened by the wave of wartime controls and central planning introduced by the belligerent governments. Socialists were calling for the end to capitalism and its permanent replacement with government peacetime central planning. Others called for a new “social liberalism” of extensive and intrusive government interventions and welfare state redistributions. Few were the voices still emphasizing the importance of a free-market order and the value of personal liberty from overbearing government. One of those voices was the British economist Edwin Cannan (1861–1935), ...

The U.S. Government Will Be Responsible for Ukraine Deaths

Despite the fact that U.S. officials are playing the innocent in the Ukraine crisis, the fact is that the U.S. government will be responsible for the death toll that results from a Russian invasion of Ukraine. That’s because it is the U.S. government, specifically the Pentagon and the CIA, who have precipitated the crisis.  If the U.S. government had not kept NATO in existence at the ostensible end of the Cold War in 1989, Russia would not be feeling the need to invade Ukraine today. Or if the U.S. government had not had NATO absorb former Warsaw Pact countries and then threaten to absorb Ukraine, Russia would not be feeling the need to invade Ukraine today. The only reason that Russia feels the need to invade Ukraine today is because the Pentagon and the CIA kept NATO in existence and then had NATO move its forces eastward toward Russia’s borders by gobbling up former Warsaw Pact countries ...

Why the JFK Assassination Should Matter to Everyone, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 When I finished reading Douglas Horne’s book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, I knew that the Kennedy assassination could no longer legitimately be considered a “conspiracy theory.” Horne’s book pushed the assassination over the line by establishing beyond a reasonable doubt that the November 22, 1963, assassination was, in fact, a regime-change operation ...

The Case for Libertarian Internationalism

Libertarians and conservatives share a common enemy. Whether it is described as liberalism, progressivism, collectivism, or socialism; whether its adherents term themselves liberals, progressives, Democrats, or democratic socialists — the agenda is the same: paternalism, universal health care, free college tuition, more gun-control laws, social justice, green energy, environmentalism, climate-change alarmism, affirmative action, government-mandated family leave, government-funded child care, ...