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Hornberger’s Blog, October 2008

Friday, October 31, 2008 Drug-War Violence Is Spreading to Texas by Jacob G. Hornberger According to the Associated Press, South Texans might soon be experiencing the same type of drug-war violence that people on the Mexican side of the border have been experiencing. As most everyone knows, the drug war has produced unbelievable violence in Mexico, especially along the border. Murder, kidnapping, beheading, and torture have become routine. Friends in my hometown of Laredo, Texas, tell me that they don’t dare cross the border into Nuevo Laredo anymore, for fear of being kidnapped or killed or caught in the crossfire of drug gangs fighting for turf. The Associated Press is reporting that the Mexican drug gangs are stockpiling weapons and recruiting gang members in preparation for violent confrontations with law enforcement on the South Texas side of the border. The equipment includes assault rifles, ...

Obedience to Orders, Part 3: A Response to Paul Maini, VMI Alumni Association

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Reader Responses |  Jacob Hornberger vs. the Brass |  Jacob Hornberger’s VMI Valedictory Addresss To: Mr. Paul Maini Executive Vice President VMI Alumni Association Dear Mr. Maini: My associates here at The Future of Freedom Foundation have been sent a copy of your critical email to a Col. Hudgins of the U.S. Military Academy in response to my article “Obedience to Orders, Part 1 and Part 2,” and they have forwarded your email to me. In the email you “extend a sincere apology to the Cadets and Graduates of the USMA at West Point for the insulting, ridiculous, reprehensible, and bizarre statements” that I made in my article. Unfortunately, however, you failed to point out exactly which parts of my article you found to be “insulting, ridiculous, reprehensible, and bizarre.” Here were the important points that I made: 1. The Virginia Military Institute generally produces officers of a ...

Free Trade, Managed Trade and the State, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 In 1836, the English classical liberal Henry Fairbairn looked into the future and this is what he saw: "Seeing then, that in the natural order of things the triumph of Free Trade principles is now inevitable, magnificent indeed are the prospects that are opening for mankind. Nations will become united in the golden bands of peace; science, liberty and abundance will reign among the inhabitants of the earth; nations will no longer be seen to descend and decline, human life will become prolonged and refined; years will become centuries in the development of the blessings of existence; and even now the eye can reach to the age when one language, one religion, and one nation alone will be existing in the world." One can only wonder if Mr. Fairbairn's liberal spirit, but no doubt English prejudice, made him presume that the one language ...

Covering the Map of the World — The Half-Century Legacy of the Yalta Conference, Part 9

The Yalta Conference formalized the configuration of the post-World War II era for almost half a century. It codified the division of Europe into East and West. It opened Asia to communist expansion. It assured the establishment of the United Nations and the idea of the global policeman. It heralded America's permanent and prominent intervention on the world stage ...