Search Query: Peace

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You searched for "Peace" and here's what we found ...

Speaking Out for Freedom in War and Peace

If war comes between the United States and Iraq, one of the first results right here in America will be the attempt to close off all further criticisms of U.S. foreign policy. Spokesmen for the Bush administration, various members of Congress, and many of the talking heads on the television news shows will all chime in and sing the same tune. Criticism and doubt about the need and necessity for going to war were all fine and good before our troops were committed to battle. But now that “our boys” are in harm’s way every “real American” must stand behind his president and “our fighting men in the field.” Nothing should be done to undermine their morale or the goal of victory so they can be brought home in the shortest time with the fewest ...

Book Review: Christianity and War

Christianity and War; And Other Essays against the Warfare State by Laurence M. Vance (Pensacola, Fla.: Vance Publications, 2005); 118 pages. When asked to name his favorite political philosopher in late 1999 during a debate with other Republicans in the campaign for the presidential nomination, George W. Bush named Jesus Christ. Bushs support from Christian groups and voters is widely known, and the turnout of millions of evangelical Christians has been largely credited for his reelection. From the point of view of even more millions of Americans, Bush and the Republican Party affirm and uphold their Christian morals and patriotic pride better than do Democratic candidates such as John Kerry. Most of Americas large Christian population lean conservative; and Bushs public pronouncements of faith in Jesus Christ, along with his rhetorical appeals to classic American ...

What Is Living and What Is Dead in Classical Liberalism

This paper was presented at The Future of Freedom Foundations five-year anniversary conference in 1994. Introduction The momentous upheaval in Eastern Europe in 1989, followed by the complete disintegration of the USSR, did not usher in the end of history as claimed by overly-enthusiastic Western commentators such as Fukuyama (1992) in the first wave of euphoria over the collapse of Marxist-Leninist dogma. However, as James Buchanan (1991) noted, it did end a vision of socio-economic political reality based on collectivist-socialist ideas. It is now possible to analyze the complexities of social interaction among individuals without regard to the collectivist-socialist shadow that has been cast over such discussions for the better part of the twentieth century. It is especially important, in such circumstances, that those who place a high value on individual freedom do not become complacent about their cause. On the one hand, the collapse of the Soviet Empire has provided unequivocal evidence that socialism cannot create wealth and cannot tolerate ...

The War Between JFK and the National-Security State

The Atlantic has published a fascinating article entitled “JFK vs. the Military” by Kennedy biographer Robert Dallek which details the war that was taking place between President Kennedy and the U.S. national-security state establishment. While this has long been a subject of interest to Kennedy assassination researchers, it’s not the type of thing that mainstream authors and mainstream ...