Search Query: chile

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You searched for "chile" and here's what we found ...

Targeting Cubans for Death to Win Florida

Desperate for an electoral win in Florida in November, President Trump is targeting the Cuban people with even more impoverishment, maybe even death. He just announced that he is strengthening the 60-year-old economic embargo against Cuba by ordering a cancellation of private charter flights to the island. Trump’s Secretary of State (and former CIA Director) Mike Pompeo said, “The suspension of private charter flights will deny economic resources to the Castro regime and inhibit its capacity to carry out abuses.” Unfortunately, Pompeo failed to mention anything about the abuses that his former agency — the CIA — also carries out in Cuba. I’m referring, of course, to the CIA-Pentagon torture and prison center at Guantanamo Bay, where torture, indefinite detention, denial of due process, and kangaroo military tribunals are established policies, just like on the communist side of Cuba. Pompeo said that another reason for strengthening the embargo is the Cuban regime’s support of Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro. ...

Donald Augusto Trump

I find it fascinating to watch the rightwing, conservative mindset unfold in response to what is occurring in Portland because it reminds me so much of the same rightwing, conservative mindset with respect to Chile in the 1970s. In 1970, the Chilean people elected an extreme radical to be their president. His name was Salvador Allende. He wasn’t a member of Black Lives Matter or Antifa, but in the eyes of the U.S. national-security establishment and others within the U.S. rightwing, conservative movement, he was a far more dangerous radical than BLM or Antifa. That’s because Allende was a communist and a socialist. In the eyes of the Pentagon, the CIA, the NSA, and the rightwing, conservative movement, there is no one more dangerous than that. After all, don’t forget about the vast worldwide communist conspiracy based in Moscow that U.S. officials steadfastly maintained was threatening to take over the United States and the rest ...

Trump, Kennedy, and the Russia Collusion Delusion

President Trump’s commutation of Roger Stone’s jail sentence has brought the Russia collusion delusion back into the limelight. Special prosecutor (and former FBI Director) Robert Mueller, the lawyer in charge of conducting an in-depth investigation into whether Trump colluded with the Russians to win the 2016 presidential election, immediately fired a salvo against Trump’s commutation in an op-ed defending his investigation that was published in the Washington Post. Mueller’s op-ed was then followed by an op-ed by one of his senior prosecutors, Andrew Weismann, in yesterday’s New York Times, which called for summoning Stone before a grand jury to force him to tell the truth about why he lied. Weissmann’s idea is that if Stone fails to tell the truth again, he should again be prosecuted and punished for perjury, preferably after Trump is defeated in November. What about Clapper? Mueller and Weissmann ...

Regime Change: November 1963

On November 22, 1963, the U.S. national-security establishment violently removed John Kennedy from the presidency through assassination. This particular regime-change operation occurred within the context of other regime-change operations conducted by the U.S. national-security state during the Cold War, such as those in Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, Cuba in the 1960s, and Chile in 1973. What was the ...