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What Insurrection?

Somebody still needs to get a memo to the Justice Department about the so-called insurrection at the Capitol on January 6 because it has yet to charge anyone with that offense. All I is see is a range of criminal offenses like disorderly conduct, assault, trespass, illegal gun possession, and “conspiracy” to commit these types of offenses. (Question: How come no one ever accuses the Justice Department of being a “conspiracy theorist,” given the countless times it charges people with conspiracy?) Yet, all we continue to hear from the mainstream press and the liberal (i.e., progressive, leftist, socialist) establishment is that the protestors were hell bent on taking control of Congress. How can anyone really buy into this nonsense, especially when the Justice Department and its grand juries are not? It’s like these people live in an alternative universe in which they convince themselves of a false reality and then all reinforce it to each other.

Understanding the Kennedy Assassination

Note: Join us for our conference “The National Security State and the Kennedy Assassination,” which begins on Wednesday evening, March 3, and continues regularly thereafter through April 21. Admission: Free. There are simple but profound ways to view the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and to understand the who and why of the assassination. 1. The U.S. national-security establishment conducted the autopsy on President Kennedy’s body. This is one of the irrefutable facts of the assassination. It is one of the facts with which everyone agrees. That is, the Mafia did not conduct the autopsy. Neither did Fidel Castro, the Soviets, or other communists. The same for  the Israeli Mossad. Only the U.S. national-security establishment conducted the autopsy. 2. Texas law required the autopsy to be conducted by the Dallas County medical examiner, a civilian. Operating on orders, however, a team of Secret Service agents, brandishing guns and implicitly ...

The Omnipotent Power to Assassinate

It goes without saying that the Constitution called into existence a government with few, limited powers. That was the purpose of enumerating the powers of the federal government. If the Constitution was bringing into existence a government of unlimited or omnipotent powers, then there would have been no point in enumerating a few limited powers. In that event, the Constitution would have called into existence a government with general, unlimited powers to do whatever was in the interests of the nation. If the Constitution had proposed a government of omnipotent powers, there is no way the American people would have accepted it, in which case America would have continued operating under the Articles of Confederation. Our American ancestors didn’t want a government of omnipotent powers. They wanted a government of few, limited, enumerated powers. Among the most omnipotent powers a government can wield is the power of government officials to assassinate people. Our American ancestors ...