Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Drug-War and Immigrant-War Tyranny

Ludwig von Mises pointed out that one government intervention inevitably leads to more government interventions. The reason is that the first intervention inevitably causes a crisis. Rather than repeal the original intervention, public officials double down by enacting a new intervention to fix the crisis caused by the first intervention. The second intervention, however, doesn’t fix the crisis but instead makes it worse, which then causes public officials to enact a third intervention, and a fourth, a fifth, and more. At the end of this interventionist road is a full-fledged police state, a type of society in which the freedom and privacy of the citizenry has been destroyed. No better example of this phenomenon could be found than the war on drugs and the war on immigrants, which are actually interrelated. Both of these programs are decades-long, both of them have caused ongoing, never-ending crises, and they are both characterized by a endless series ...

Mexicans Will Not Fare Well Under AMLO

Despite high hopes among the American people that their new president Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, also known as AMLO, will fundamentally transform Mexico and finally bring economic prosperity to the country, the sad reality is that it just won’t happen. Mexico will remain mired in the level of deep poverty that it has suffered for centuries. How do I know that? Because AMLO is a leftist, as in socialist, leftist, progressive — whatever label one wishes to use to describe a person whose philosophy is that government should regulate the economy, own businesses and industries, and confiscate money from those who have it and redistribute to the poor. What socialists just don’t get is that it is their philosophy and programs that are the root cause of economic misery and suffering among the very people they wish to help. Mexicans have always lived under a governmental system in which the government highly regulates, controls, and taxes economic activity. Naturally, this type ...

What We Libertarians Are Aiming For

As the end of 2018 and the beginning of the new year approach, we libertarians should remind ourselves of what we are aiming for. 1. First of all though is what we are not aiming for: We are not aiming for a warmed-over, reformed version of the welfare-warfare state way of life. That’s because we are aiming for a genuinely free society, and a welfare-warfare state is not freedom, not even in a warmed-over, reformed version.Here’s what we are aiming for:No more mandatory charity, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, farm subsidies, education grants, foreign aid, or any other welfare-state program. That’s because mandatory charity isn’t charity at all. It doesn’t reflect the goodness or compassion of people. It’s nothing more than government using its force to coerce people into doing what public officials feel should be done with their money. 2. No more income tax and IRS. People have the natural, ...