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Hornberger’s Blog, August 2007

Friday, August 31, 2007 Rotting Apples and the War on Immigrants by Jacob G. Hornberger Following in the footsteps of California and Colorado farmers, New York apple growers might soon face devastating financial losses thanks to the U.S. government’s war on immigrants. With a third consecutive year of near-perfect weather, New York is experiencing vintage apple crops. At the same time, the national demand for apples is at an all-time high. New York apple growers, however, are not celebrating. Why? Because the federal war on immigrants might result in the farmers’ not having enough people to pick their crops, which means that all those “wine-like” apples might end up rotting on the trees. Estimates are that 70 percent of the farm workers are illegal immigrants, many of whom use fake Social Security cards. New federal regulations, which require employers to match Social Security numbers with the federal database, are likely to now eliminate the use of fake Social Security numbers, which means ...

Hornberger’s Blog, March 2007

Friday, March 30, 2007 Eminent-Domain Tyranny in Communist China and the U.S. As the federal government continues to move in a pro-empire, pro-militarist direction abroad, rattling its swords against Iran thousands of miles away from the United States, we shouldn’t forget how, at the same time, state and local governments continue to move in the direction of communist China with respect to private-property rights here at home. The New York Times recently carried a front-page story about a woman who is resisting the taking of her home by Chinese government officials and developers operating in cahoots with one another. Of course, that’s no different from what government officials and developers are doing here in the United States, thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Kelo decision. The Chinese controversy involves a huge redevelopment project in the city of Chongqing. Most of the homeowners who had their property taken away just resigned themselves to the inevitable, took the money the government paid them, and rolled over, ...

Hornberger’s Blog, March 2007

Friday, March 30, 2007 Eminent-Domain Tyranny in Communist China and the U.S. As the federal government continues to move in a pro-empire, pro-militarist direction abroad, rattling its swords against Iran thousands of miles away from the United States, we shouldn’t forget how, at the same time, state and local governments continue to move in the direction of communist China with respect to private-property rights here at home. The New York Times recently carried a front-page story about a woman who is resisting the taking of her home by Chinese government officials and developers operating in cahoots with one another. Of course, that’s no different from what government officials and developers are doing here in the United States, thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Kelo decision. The Chinese controversy involves a huge redevelopment project in the city of Chongqing. Most of the homeowners who had their property taken away just resigned themselves to the inevitable, took the money the government paid them, and rolled over, ...