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Hornberger’s Blog, November 2004

Tuesday, November 30, 2004 The last few weeks have not been kind to sons of prominent bureaucrats. First, Howard Stern brought to public attention that Michael Powell, the head of the FCC, the American version of the Talibans Ministry for the Prevention of Vice and Promotion of Virtue, is the son of Colin Powell. But both Michael Powell and his father claim that Michael was selected for his position strictly out of merit and not because his father is a retired army general and current U.S. secretary of state. And now we learn that UN Secretary General Kofi Annans son was being paid by one of the companies involved in the scandal arising from the oil-for-food program, which was imposed by the United States and United Nations on the Iraqi people in a purported attempt to alleviate the

Hornberger’s Blog, December 2004

Friday, December 31, 2004 In todays FFF Email Update, we link to an interesting article in the drug-war section entitled A Taste of the System which details one of the perverse consequences of the war on terrorism and the war on drugs. John Perry Barlow, a lyricist for the Grateful Dead, checked his luggage for a flight. After being seated, the feds came onto the plane and ordered him off the plane, claiming that they had searched his luggage for bombs and, in the process, discovered a small quantity of drugs. Theyve now charged him with illegal drug possession. To Barlows credit, hes fighting the feds on the legality of the search rather than perform the customary Oh, Im so sorry; please forgive me, let me rat on others for you that the feds expect drug-war victims to feel and express.

Hornberger’s Blog, January 2005

Monday, January 31, 2005 While President Bush and the Pentagon continue their march around the world establishing “democracy” through military invasions and occupations, Americans would be wise to focus on democracy at home. For example, yesterday’s New York Times reports that the CIA, which consists of secret, unelected bureaucrats whose power is virtually omnipotent, is refusing to comply with a congressional law mandating the disclosure of CIA partnerships with Nazi officials after the end of World War II. Perhaps I have a mistaken view of democracy, but isn’t it supposed to be the people, through their elected representatives, who decide whether U.S. agency files are going to be opened for inspection by the American people? Why should CIA officials, none of whom ever faced election by the American people, have the power to tell the people’s elected representatives, “Buzz off if ...