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FFF EMAIL UPDATE ARCHIVES Welcome to the archives of FFF Email Update. Six days a week, FFF sends out a free email newsletter containing original commentary and news articles on current events. Below you will find an indexed archive of all of the non-FFF articles that we linked to in every issue of Email Update. If you wish to find FFF original articles that might have appeared in Email Update, please visit our Search by Issues page. Please note that as some of the articles in the archives become older, the newspapers that host them may take them down or move them into a fee-based archive. In addition, many papers including the New York Times and the Washington Post require that you submit some personal information before reading their articles. Relinquishing that ...

Hornberger’s Blog, July 2010

Friday, July 30, 2010 An Open Border in My Hometown by Jacob G. Hornberger I grew up in Laredo, Texas, a border town that no doubt causes no small degree of consternation to those who lament Mexican culture in the United States. Id estimate that when I was growing up, about 95 percent of Laredoans were of Mexican descent. When Laredoans were summoned for jury duty, Id estimate that about 20 percent of every panel had to be disqualified because they couldnt speak or write English. Many of the streets of Laredo are named after Spanish, Mexican, or French historical figures, such as Hidalgo, Zaragoza, and Iturbide. Signs in stores are both in English and Spanish. Store greeters say, Buenos Dias or Good morning to customers based on whether they look Mexican or Anglo. None of this bothered anyone in Laredo. No one ever cared what language people spoke. People adjusted, including the ...

Luis Posada Carriles’ Insurance Policy

The former head of Cuba’s Department of State Security, Fabian Escalante, tells the Washington Post that accused terrorist Luis Posada Carriles has an insurance policy that ensures he will be provided excellent treatment at the hands of U.S. officials. According to an article in today’s Post, Escalante states, “He has a life insurance policy, which is what he knows about the Kennedy plot.” Posada Carriles is the accused terrorist who is charged with the terrorist bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 innocent people, including 24 members of Cuba’s national fencing team. For several years, he has been freely walking the streets of Miami because the U.S. government steadfastly refuses to grant an extradition request from Venezuela, which has jurisdiction over the bombing of the airliner. Did U.S. officials at least indict Posada Carriles for the terrorist bombing of the Cuban airliner? After all, just recently U.S. officials charged two New Jersey men with conspiracy to “kill, maim and kidnap persons outside the United ...