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Why the Mainstream Media Remains Silent on the JFK Records Deadline

With the October 26 deadline only two weeks away for releasing the 60-year secret records of the CIA relating to the Kennedy assassination, the silence from the mainstream press is deafening. The great mainstream defenders of transparency and openness in government, at least when it comes foreign dictatorships, cannot bring themselves to openly advocate for the release of thousands of records relating to the JFK assassination that the CIA still insists on keeping secret. Why the silence? I will explain the reason, but first please permit me to restate the prediction I have made regarding this matter. I predict that within the next weeks, President Biden will grant a request by the CIA for continued secrecy of its assassination-related records. I predict that Biden will order the release of some of the records for appearance’s sake, but he will cite “national security” to justify continuing the secrecy of the ...

The Kennedy Autopsy Selected for Amazon’s Prime Reading Program

Last month, Amazon sent us an email asking if we would consider permitting FFF’s book The Kennedy Autopsy, which I authored, to be considered for Amazon’s Prime Reading program. According to the email, “Prime Reading promotes authors and their books to Amazon’s most engaged customers. We have a limited number of spots available in the program and we're delighted to offer you the opportunity to increase visibility for your title(s).” Of course, we agreed, and we were recently advised that Amazon had decided to include The Kennedy Autopsy in its Prime Reading program from September 1 through December 1. In return for a fee of $500, FFF agreed to waive any sales revenue during that period of time. The Kennedy Autopsy has been FFF’s all-time best seller. The book details the fraudulent autopsy that the U.S. national-security establishment carried out on the body of President John F. Kennedy on the very evening of the assassination. I ...

JFK’s Peace Speech

Pat Buchanan has just published an article on President Kennedy’s Peace Speech at American University on June 10, 1963, just a few months before he was assassinated on November 22. It’s an article worth reading, as it shows the relevance of Kennedy’s vision for America even today. Imagine any U.S. president today calling for a normal, peaceful, and harmonious relationship with Russia, China, North Korea, and Cuba. He would immediately be skewered by the Pentagon, the CIA, and their assets within the mainstream press. Yet, that was precisely what Kennedy did at the very height of the Cold War, when the Pentagon, the CIA, and the mainstream press were claiming that the United States was in grave danger of being subjugated by an international communist conspiracy that was emanating from Moscow. In his Peace Speech, Kennedy was bringing an end to that conspiracy nonsense.  Buchanan writes: