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The War on Terrorism

With the publication of the first issue ofFreedom Daily in January 1990, we made a vow that we have repeated every year since then: Never will we compromise that which we consider to be right and true. Since then, as long-time supporters and subscribers know, we have never hesitated to fulfill that vow, no matter what the cost to this foundation. Today, we are facing the biggest challenge we have ever faced here at FFF: how to state clearly, directly, and unequivocally where we stand on the issue, but at the same time keeping in mind the horrific nature of what has happened. We are, of course, not unmindful of the horrible pain, shock, grief, and nervousness that people are experiencing that prevents them from calmly and dispassionately considering intellectual arguments. Thus, the challenge we face is not with whether to share our truth in the midst of this crisis, which we intend to do as we have always done, but ...

Terrorism, War, and Crises

The American people survived the threat of terrorist attacks during the millennial celebrations. But fear was definitely in the air. Seattle canceled its celebration after a man was arrested at the Canadian border with bomb-making materials. New York City sealed its manhole covers in Times Square and flooded the streets with cops. Throughout December, the television talk shows featured what seemed like an endless parade of terrorism experts to talk about the threat that Americans faced. And, of course, the U.S. government, with its daily terrorism advisories, investigations, press conferences, and rumor-mongering, continued to be the driving force behind all the terrorism hysteria. Faced with the threat of both terrorism and Y2K, millions of Americans decided to play it safe and sit out New Year's Eve at home. Throughout all the hype and hysteria, U.S. government officials behaved as if they were innocent babes threatened by people who simply have an overwhelming desire to kill Americans for no good reason ...

The Padilla Ruling Is a Victory for Freedom

As I have been writing for the past two years, it is impossible to overstate the importance of the Jose Padilla case. The power assumed by the U.S. military and the Bush administration in the Padilla case constitutes what is arguably the most ominous and dangerous threat to the freedom of the American people in our lifetime. Fortunately, this past Monday a U.S. district court in South Carolina put the quietus to the assumption and exercise of such power. The court’s ruling was a major victory for freedom, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the rule of law. Unfortunately, however, the government is appealing, hoping to overturn the district court’s judgment. (Underscoring the vital importance The Future of Freedom Foundation has placed on the Padilla case and the ...