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The U.S. National Security State’s Legacy of Death and Destruction

Unfortunately, the massive death and destruction that the U.S. national-security establishment has produced in Ukraine with its political gamesmanship involving NATO and Russia is not the first time that its interventionism has produced such a horrific result. In fact, the entire legacy of the U.S. national-security state form of government, which was brought into existence after World War II, is one of death, suffering, and destruction. Mohammad Mosaddegh Go back to Iran in 1953. The CIA ousted the democratically elected prime minister, Mohammad Mosaddegh, in a coup. Hundreds of innocent people died in the process. Moreover, for the next 26 years, the Iranian people had to suffer under a brutal U.S.-installed and U.S.-supported dictatorship. When Iranians succeeded in overthrowing their U.S.-appointed dictator, they ended up with another brutal dictatorship. That was followed by a brutal regime of economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. government, which ...

The Power to Assassinate

The power to assassinate has become so deeply entrenched within the national-security branch of the federal government that hardly anyone gives it a second thought. State-sponsored assassinations now occur on a regular basis, especially in the Middle East. Most everyone, especially the mainstream press, treats them in a nonchalant, ho-hum way. Hardly anyone questions where this extraordinary power to snuff out a person’s life comes from. It is indeed an extraordinary power, given that it entails the authority to effectively murder a person with impunity. Ordinarily, the victim is not notified in advance of the national-security establishment’s intent to assassinate him. He isn’t given an opportunity to object or to show that he doesn’t deserve to be killed. There is no trial to determine whether he has committed a death-penalty offense. Under our form of government, the national-security establishment, specifically the CIA and the Pentagon, wield the omnipotent, non-reviewable power to assassinate anyone they want. Theoretically, they target only “bad ...

Dismantle the U.S. National-Security State, Now

Let’s begin with a book that I have been recommending to people for quite some time now. It is entitled National Security and Double Government by Michael J. Glennon. According to Wikipedia, “From 1977-1980, he was counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Glennon was professor of law at the University of California, Davis from 1987-2002, and a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars from 2001-2002. Since 2002, he has been professor of international law at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.” Glennon’s thesis is a discomforting one and an ominous one. He states that within the federal governmental structure, it is not the president, the Congress, or the Supreme Court that are in charge. Instead, it is the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA that are actually running the federal government, especially with respect to foreign affairs. The other three parts of the federal ...

Max Boot’s Rant Against Oliver Stone

Max Boot, a conservative who has long favored regime-change operations on the part of the U.S. national-security establishment, is going after Hollywood producer and director Oliver Stone. His beef with Stone? He’s upset because Stone has long maintained that the U.S. national-security establishment employed one of its patented regime-change operations here at home, against President John F. Kennedy.

A Great Opportunity to Restore the Republic

With the debacle in Afghanistan, the American people have been presented with one of the greatest opportunities in our lifetime — an opportunity to dismantle the national-security establishment and restore our founding system of a limited-government republic. Opportunities like this do not often present themselves. Now is time to seize the day, before the national-security establishment is able to ...