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The Early History of a Worldwide Nuisance

Few federal agencies have as much bipartisan support as the National Endowment for Democracy. Created in 1983, NED’s stated mission is to “strengthen democratic institutions around the world through nongovernmental efforts.” In actuality, NED allows U.S. politicians to meddle in foreign elections at the same time they pretend to be spreading democracy. The previous year, Ronald Reagan had announced in a speech to the British Parliament, “Let us now begin ... a crusade for freedom that will engage the faith and fortitude of the next generation ... to foster the infrastructure of democracy.” NED’s first chief, Allen Weinstein, later explained the Endowment’s rationale in 1991: “A lot of what we do today was done covertly 25 years ago by the CIA.” NED aimed ...

The Legacy of Milton Friedman, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 Milton Friedman also was adept at proposing practical solutions to practical problems. He believed strongly in liberty, but he recognized that he needed to promote it practically. Nowhere was his ability in this area more evident than in his work on the All-Volunteer Force (AVF). He served on the official Gates Commission, which was charged with studying the feasibility of a volunteer military. He also worked well with like-minded advocates, such as Martin Anderson in the White House. In fact, Friedman was widely credited with swaying several of his colleagues in favor of ending conscription. The 15-member Gates Commission was said to have started out equally divided among pro, con, and undecided. After holding hearings and debating the issue, the commission voted unanimously in favor of moving to the All-Volunteer ...

The Legacy of Milton Friedman, Part 1

Part 1 | Part 2 It has been more than a year since Milton Friedman passed from our lives. What a world he departed. The desire for liberty burns ever brightly. The forces of statism resist ever strongly. How we miss his presence. Although he has left us, his ideas live on. They remain eternally relevant to the age-old struggle to preserve individual liberty from state encroachment. Milton Friedman was born 95 years ago in Brooklyn. He was the son of immigrant parents from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Think of the world that he was born into. For a couple of years his family lived in La Belle Epoch, a time of peace, increasing trade, and growing prosperity. People could travel without passports. The great empires were gradually liberalizing. It ...