Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

A Misguided Attack on The Future of Freedom Foundation

In an article at, writer Keith Farrell suggests that libertarians should support foreign interventionism and specifically takes The Future of Freedom Foundation and to task for opposing foreign interventionism. Acknowledging that some U.S. interventions have proven to be absolute disasters, Farrell feels that libertarians should nonetheless be supporting U.S. foreign interventionism in selected cases. Farrell is wrong. Not only is foreign interventionism contrary to libertarian principles, it inevitably produces destructive results for both the targeted nation and for the American people. We begin with a mistake Farrell makes that is common to those who advocate foreign interventionism — his conflation of the private sector of American people and the U.S. government. Actually, they are two separate and distinct entities, a phenomenon best evidenced by the Bill of Rights, which expressly protects the American people from the federal government. I think it’s great that Farrell feels a moral duty to help people suffering tyranny and oppression overseas. He raises Venezuela ...

The U.S. Government’s Regime-Change Obsession Rears Its Ugly Head Again

The U.S. government’s 116-year-old obsession with controlling Cuba has suddenly manifested itself again. Yesterday, the Associated Press, based on secret records that it obtained, reported that USAID, the federal agency that distributes billions of dollars in U.S.-taxpayer funded foreign aid and which has long served as a front organization for the CIA, has been engaged in a super-secret, covert operation to effect regime change in Cuba. The USAID scheme involved illegally securing the cell phone numbers of tens of thousands of Cubans, most of whom were presumed to be young people. Then, using a series of several private front companies, which is a classic CIA modus, they established a twitter-type service that enabled U.S. officials to feed messages to the recipients. The plan called for feeding messages that would incite young people to rise up with mass spontaneous protests against the Cuban communist regime. Now, one might ask: What’s wrong with that? What’s wrong with the U.S. government’s helping the ...

Freedom To Move: Personal Liberty or Government Control, Part I

The immigration issue has once more bubbled to the surface in America because of the provocative statements and assertions by one of the Republication contenders for their party’s presidential nomination. Immigrants – especially illegal immigrants – are accused of stealing the jobs of “real” Americans, of mooching off the welfare state at the expense of taxpaying U.S. citizens and legal ...

What’s Exceptional about America?

Two articles on the front page of yesterday’s Wall Street Journal belie the quaint conservative notion that the United States is an “exceptional” nation. One article was entitled “China’s Economy on Bubble Watch” and the other was entitled “Europe Faces Pension Pinch.” The article about China, which has long been governed by a communist regime, states that Chinese officials are emphasizing ...