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Why They Hate WikiLeaks

The statist outrage against Julian Assange and WikiLeaks is rooted in the U.S. government’s imperial foreign policy. In fact, the entire war on terrorism and the ever-growing infringements on the fundamental rights and liberties of the American people revolve around the existence and the activities of the U.S. Empire. What’s the primary mission of the U.S. Empire? Diplomatic and military domination of the world, primarily by getting its people in public office in foreign regimes. The idea is that as foreign regimes join the Empire and submit to its will, the Empire will be better able to keep order and stability in the universe. Some Americans, unable to come to grips with the fact that the United States is no longer a republic, as implied in the much-recited, socialist-created Pledge of Allegiance that people memorize in the government’s public schools, exclaim, “The United States can’t be an empire because the U.S. government never tries to take over foreign lands or install ...

Hornberger’s Blog, December 2010

Thursday, December 30, 2010 We Need Your End of Year Support If you haven’t already made an end-of-year donation to The Future of Freedom Foundation, I hope you will do so. Our work for liberty in the coming year depends in large part on the financial support we receive at the end of the preceding year. Of course, since FFF is a non-profit, educational foundation a donation made to FFF prior to January 1 is tax-deductible for the current year. Our mission is to present an uncompromising moral, philosophical, and economic case for the free society. Our methodology is to introduce sound ideas on liberty into the general marketplace of ideas by integrating libertarian analysis and solutions with the burning issues of the day. The only way that people can begin reflecting on libertarian ideas is to be exposed to them. While we can’t ever be certain that libertarian ideas will be accepted by others, it’s the only chance we have to restore ...

Hornberger’s Blog, May 2006

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 In a speech to a friendly audience at West Point, President Bush announced that the “war on terrorism” would ultimately rival the Cold War in its length and difficulty. The corollary, which Bush didn’t mention, is that this will be perpetually increasing budgets for the military-industrial complex, a point that the graduates of West Point would undoubtedly be interested in. Think about it: As effective as the Cold War was in producing ever-increasing budgets for the Pentagon and the “defense” contractors, there was always the possibility — albeit remote — that the Cold War would end. But then the Soviet Union did fall and — uh, oh — what then? Well, obviously, we need a brand new justification for those ever-increasing Pentagon-CIA-State Department budgets, right? The beauty of the “war on terrorism,” from the standpoint of the big-government crowd, is that it will never come ...