Search Query: chile

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Refortifying Egypt’s Military Dictatorship

Even while U.S. officials decry the brutal dictatorships in Syria and Iran, the U.S. government is fortifying the military dictatorship in Egypt. A recent attack in the Sinai Peninsula that killed six Egyptian soldiers is the latest excuse that U.S. officials are trotting out to use U.S. taxpayer money to refortify one of the most brutal dictatorships in the world. Let’s be clear: Egypt is governed by a military dictatorship, one that brutally oppresses its citizens as much as other brutal dictatorships in the Middle East, including the ones in Syria and Iran. Not surprisingly, some of the statist U.S. mainstream press are now trying to portray Egypt as a democracy, claiming that Egypt’s Islamic president, Mohamed Morsi, was freely elected in a democratic vote. But that’s just a self-delusion. The military is in charge of the Egyptian government. It dictates how the government is going to operate. This was also the case during the entire Mubarak regime. Since Mubarak, who was a ...

The Domino Delusion

When U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently visited Laos as part of a U.S. government “friendship” mission to counteract the rising influence of China, she inadvertently reminded the American people of some of the horrors of U.S. foreign policy in that part of the world. Here’s a photograph in the Los Angeles Times of Clinton meeting with Phongsavath Souliyalat, a young Laotian man who lost his arms and sight from U.S. bombs dropped on Laos during the Vietnam War. How is that, you ask, given that the man is so young? As part of its unconstitutional war in Vietnam in the 1960s and 1970s, the U.S. government was also waging a secret, unconstitutional war in Laos that consisted of dropping tons of bombs on the country for some ten years. According to the New York Times, “there were more than 580,000 bombing missions by the U.S. military, making Laos the most heavily bombed country on a per-person basis.” The ...

Hillary Clinton’s Trip to Egypt

During her trip to Egypt over the weekend, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was pelted by tomatoes, shoes, and chants of “Monica, Monica, Monica” from Egyptian protestors. Playing the role of the innocent as she met with the head of Egypt’s military council and Egypt’s newly elected president, Mohamed Morsy, Clinton pointed out that the United States doesn’t take sides in Egypt’s internal politics. What? How can Clinton say such a thing with a straight face? The U.S. government has taken sides in Egypt for decades by taking the side of Egypt’s brutal military dictatorship. And it continues to take the side of the military dictatorship by continuing to send $1.5 billion in foreign aid directly to the military, primarily in the form of weaponry. That weaponry, needless to say, fortifies the omnipotent power of the military dictatorship over the Egyptian people. Egypt has been ruled by the military for decades. Mubarak, a military general, was appointed to serve as ...