Search Query: chile

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You searched for "chile" and here's what we found ...

Hugo Chavez and American Conservatives and Liberals

I’m having a good time reading the reactions of American liberals and conservatives to the death of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. Their reactions to Chavez’s death provide a window into the statist mindset that has brought such serious maladies to the United States. Consider, for example, an op-ed entitled “In the End, an Awful Manager” by Rory Carroll, which appears in today’s New York Times. After detailing the enormous economic mess in Venezuela, Carroll’s thesis is summed up with both the title of his op-ed and this quote by a senior official in Venezuela’s state-owned oil company: “Chavez doesn’t know how to manage.” I don’t know whether Rory Carroll is a liberal or a conservative, but I can be sure of one thing: He’s no libertarian. How do I know that? Because it’s clear from his op-ed that he embraces the idea of a state-managed or presidentially managed economy, something that both liberals and conservatives endorse but that is anathema ...

Private: The Evil of the National-Security State, Part 12

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 In his Farewell Address in 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower issued a stark warning that must have shocked Americans at that time. He said that the vast U.S. “military-industrial complex” constituted a grave threat to their democratic processes. Eisenhower’s successor, John  Kennedy, was so concerned about the power of the military in American life that he recommended that the novel Seven Days in May, which was about a military coup in America, be made into movie to serve as a warning to the American people about how powerful the military establishment had become in the United States. Thirty days after Kennedy was assassinated, the Washington Post published an op-ed by the former president Harry Truman pointing ...

The Power to Assassinate a Compliant and Submissive People

President Obama’s nomination of John Brennan is being held up over Brennan’s refusal to state whether the president’s power to assassinate Americans (and others) extends to American soil. The controversy is summed up in a great article by Glenn Greenwald. The fact that Brennan could not bring himself to immediately say that the president doesn’t have the power to assassinate Americans (and others) right here within the United States is revealing. He undoubtedly knows that the president does claim to wield such power and that the president just doesn’t want to alarm Americans by informing them that he now wields the power to assassinate anyone he wants, including Americans here in the United States. I can’t see how there’s any room for doubt here. Ever since President Bush claimed extraordinary powers after the 9/11 attacks, we here at The Future of Freedom Foundation have been pointing out that the powers were not limited to foreigners or to foreign lands. When ...

What Were the Standards for Executing Charles Horman?

While Americans are seeking to determine the standards, if any, for President Obama’s assassination of American citizens, would it be too much to ask about the standards that were applied in the U.S. national-security state’s execution of American citizen Charles Horman? After all, in principle is a state-sponsored extra-judicial execution any different from a state-sponsored assassination? Why shouldn’t Americans ...

Crises: A Gun-Grabber’s Best Friend

After President Obama’s election in 2008, gun buyers went on a buying spree. Prices of assault rifles, ammunition, and high-magazine clips soared. The buying continued unabated for the four years of Obama’s first term. Throughout that time, gun-control advocates ridiculed the gun buyers. They called them overreacting paranoids, pointing out that Obama was doing nothing to initiate gun-control measures and ...