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More Judicial Deference on National-Security State Murder

Continuing the long tradition of deference to the national-security state by the U.S. federal judiciary, a federal judge recently dismissed a lawsuit by the sons of a man named Frank Olson seeking damages for the CIA’s murder of their father. The excuses that the judge used to dismiss the case were the statute of limitations and a previous settlement that had been entered into regarding the case. The sordid details of the Olson case have been set forth in a book entitled A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Cold War Experiments by H.P. Albarelli. A good review of the book, written by a filmmaker named Melissa Roddy, is posted on the website of the Huffington Post. For another discussion of Albarelli’s book, see my article “The Evil of the National Security State, Part 5.” Olson was a scientist working for the national-security state during the Cold War. He participated in the infamous ...

The Real Criminals Under Our National-Security State System

Let’s recap the situation regarding criminal conduct within the U.S. national-security state, just to see how the national-security state has succeeded in corrupting the morals and values of our nation. People Who Are Considered Heroes by the National-Security State 1. The officials who devised the scheme that plunged America into the illegal world of torture. 2. The officials who actually committed the crime of torture. 3. The officials who induced private telecommunication firms to engage in illegal monitoring of their customer’s telephone calls. 4. The officials who devised the scheme that plunged America into the illegal world of assassination. 5. The officials who have actually committed the assassinations. 6. The officials who devised the scheme to establish a Constitution-free torture and indefinite-incarceration zone at Guantanamo Bay. 7. The officials who have actually supervised and operated the torture and indefinite-incarceration zone at Guantanamo Bay. 8. The officials who devised the illegal scheme to kidnap a man on the streets of Milan, Italy, and transport him to the ...

Edward Snowden and the Corruption of Morals and Values

The vilification of Edward Snowden by U.S. officials and their spokesmen in the mainstream press reflects perfectly the extent to which the national-security state apparatus, which was foisted on America’s governmental system after World War II and without even the semblance of a constitutional amendment, has warped and perverted fundamental morals and values. After all, what exactly has Snowden done to deserve condemnation? He’s revealed to the American public (and the people of the world) a super-secret, massive governmental surveillance program that under normal circumstances would be considered the hallmark of a totalitarian regime. In fact, can anyone name me any totalitarian regime in the last 100 years or so, including the model totalitarian regime, Nazi Germany, that has not entailed a massive surveillance scheme on the citizenry? Any normal person would be saying thank you to Edward Snowden. But people whose hearts and minds have been corrupted by the two most important words in the lives of the American ...