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Conspiracies Are Inherent to the National-Security State

I’m always fascinated — and somewhat amused — by articles that pooh-pooh the possibility of a national-security state conspiracy in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The authors of such articles say that national-security state conspiracies just don’t happen. They say that the reason that assassination researchers point to a conspiracy involving the CIA and the military in the JFK assassination is not because the circumstantial evidence points in that direction but rather because the researchers simply cannot accept the notion that a little man supposedly killed the president of the country. But the reality is that conspiracies have always been an inherent part of the national-security state apparatus ever since it was grafted onto our governmental structure in 1947. Let’s examine 22 of these conspiracies during the 10 years before the JFK assassination and the 10 years after the assassination, especially ones involving regime change and assassination. 1. The CIA conspired to initiate a coup in Iran, with the ...

The Sordid Roots of the National-Security State

Given that most all of us living today have been born and raised under a national-security state apparatus, we’ve all been inculcated with the notion that the enormous military empire, CIA, and NSA are a necessary and permanent part of our lives. We’ve all been taught that our very freedom and well-being depend on the existence of these agencies. In fact, we praise them and glorify them for “defending our freedoms,” “keeping us safe,” and protecting “national security.” It’s important, however, to bear in mind that the Founding Fathers fully and totally rejected this type of governmental structure and way of life, which is why our American ancestors lived without such an apparatus for the first 150 years of American history. Our predecessors understood that enormous, permanent military establishments and secret intelligence agencies were hallmarks of totalitarian regimes, not free societies, and, in fact, constituted grave threats against the freedom and well-being of the citizenry. So, how did the U.S. national-security ...

The U.S. National Security State Loves Egypt’s Dictatorship

In a Washington Post editorial “Egypt’s Wrong Road,” the Post calls on the U.S. government to suspend U.S. aid and cooperation with Egypt until the Egyptian regime “frees political prisoners and adopts a genuine democratic path.” The Post just doesn’t get it. The Egyptian military dictatorship is precisely what the U.S. government loves, respects, and admires. Let’s keep in mind that the most powerful and influential part of the U.S. government is the national-security state part, which consists of the vast U.S. military-industrial complex, the CIA, and the NSA. For all practical purposes, this part has grown into the fourth branch of the federal government, one that the legislative, executive, and judicial branches oftentimes defer to. From its inception in 1947 through today, the officials running the national-security apparatus, not surprisingly, have been convinced that their part of the government is absolutely essential to the preservation of America’s freedom and prosperity. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that it takes the same position ...