Search Query: chile

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You searched for "chile" and here's what we found ...

Kudos to President Correa

Good for Ecuador’s President Rafael Correa for kicking USAID out of his country. If only every nation in the world would do that. While part of USAID’s activities ostensibly relate to helping “the poor,” that’s just a cover to disguise the real mission of the agency: to act in tandem with the CIA to engage in political activity designed to effect regime change in foreign countries. To Correa’s credit, USAID is not the only U.S. agency he’s evicted from Ecuador. He’s also kicked the DEA out of the country. Moreover, he forced the Pentagon to close down one of its imperialist bases in Ecuador and depart the country. Why would the CIA and USAID want to oust Correa from office? Because he’s a socialist, one who has established close ties to Cuba and Venezuela. Do you recall when the CIA and the Pentagon were claiming that if Latin American countries went communist or socialist, the United States would be in danger of ...

A Rotten Criminal-Justice System

A good sign of a rotten criminal-justice system is the extent to which it is putting good, ordinary people into jail for inane criminal offenses while letting real criminals walk the streets free and carefree. Unfortunately, that is the type of system that now exists in the United States. Recently, a man named Michael Steinberg was sentenced to 42 months in jail by New York City federal Judge Richard J. Sullivan. Steinberg is a former hedge fund trader on Wall Street. He and his wife Elizabeth have two children, an 8-year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl. At his sentencing, the judge noted that he had received 68 letters from friends and family attesting to Steinberg’s good character. In fact, prior to imposing his sentence Sullivan said that he was persuaded that Steinberg is, in fact, a “good man” who has “good character.” So, why is Steinberg a convicted felon and going to jail? Because he supposedly violated “insider trading laws,” which are ...

Anne Applebaum Almost Gets It Right on Foreign Interventionism

The interventionist mindset is fascinating. Even when they, deep down, don’t want the U.S. government to be intervening in the internal affairs of other countries, they feel compelled to call on the U.S. government to intervene. It’s almost as if they can’t help themselves, much like an alcoholic. A good example is provided by Washington Post columnist Anne Applebaum in her recent column “What the U.S. Should Stand For in Egypt.” Consider what she says: … it’s none of our business who runs Egypt and we shouldn’t be backing anybody at all. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel came close to this view when he declared this week that “It’s up to the Egyptian people. And they are a large, great, sovereign nation. And it will be their responsibility to sort this out.” Now, one might think, “Wow! Applebaum has become a libertarian, at least insofar as foreign policy is concerned.” Alas, however, Applebaum can’t help herself. Immediately after suggesting that what happens in ...

America’s Liar in Chief

Everyone is familiar with where America’s Cold War national-security state apparatus has led our nation: down the dark road of assassinations, torture, indefinite detention, coups, surveillance, regime-change operations, secrecy, tribunals, and other dark-side practices that are inherent to communist and other totalitarian regimes. But how many Americans ever give thought to the fact that the national-security state apparatus has also ...

A Misguided Attack on The Future of Freedom Foundation

In an article at, writer Keith Farrell suggests that libertarians should support foreign interventionism and specifically takes The Future of Freedom Foundation and to task for opposing foreign interventionism. Acknowledging that some U.S. interventions have proven to be absolute disasters, Farrell feels that libertarians should nonetheless be supporting U.S. foreign interventionism in selected cases. Farrell is wrong. ...