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Humorous Aspects of Immigration Anxiety

I fully realize that it is difficult to find humor in an immigration system that continues to bring death, suffering, humiliation, and a police state to countless people. Nonetheless, even amidst the darkness surrounding America’s system of government-controlled borders, I just can’t help but laugh at some of funny aspects of the extreme immigration anxiety that strikes immigration-control advocates. Consider, for example, Florida Gov. Ron Santis and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. They are totally bent out of shape over the immigration “crisis” along the U.S.-Mexico border.  Why is that funny? Because these two guys, as well as many other immigration-control advocates who suffer from extreme immigration anxiety, have absolutely no idea that it is their system of immigration controls that produces the crisis that causes them to get so bent out of shape. Without their immigration-control system, there would be no immigration crisis. Moreover, they also don’t realize that when they call on President Biden to enforce ...

Hornberger’s Blog, June 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 The Silence of the Gun-Control Crowd While the gun-control crowd is going bananas over the fact that state and local governments are not constitutionally permitted to ban private ownership of handguns, they are remaining mute over a killing that took place in an apartment in Forestville, Maryland, on the same day that the Supreme Court issued its ruling in the Chicago gun-ban case. According to the Washington Post, a maintenance man shot and killed an intruder in his apartment. The maintenance man, who remains unidentified, had confronted the intruder as he was trying to force a woman into her apartment. The intruder forced the maintenance man into the maintenance man’s apartment, where the shoot-out occurred. The intruder shot at the maintenance man but missed, and the maintenance man, who was able to reach his gun, returned fire and shot the intruder, who later died at the hospital. If they weren’t remaining mute about this shooting, what would the ...

Hornberger’s Blog, June 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010 The Silence of the Gun-Control Crowd by Jacob G. Hornberger While the gun-control crowd is going bananas over the fact that state and local governments are not constitutionally permitted to ban private ownership of handguns, they are remaining mute over a killing that took place in an apartment in Forestville, Maryland, on the same day that the Supreme Court issued its ruling in the Chicago gun-ban case. According to the Washington Post, a maintenance man shot and killed an intruder in his apartment. The maintenance man, who remains unidentified, had confronted the intruder as he was trying to force a woman into her apartment. The intruder forced the maintenance man into the maintenance man’s apartment, where the shoot-out occurred. The intruder shot at the maintenance man but missed, and the maintenance man, who was able to reach his gun, returned fire and shot the intruder, ...