Search Query: chile

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Romero’s Beatification and the CIA’s Assassination Attempts on Castro

The Catholic Church’s beatification of Salvadoran Archbishop Oscar Romero, who was gunned down at the altar while celebrating mass at a small hospital chapel in El Salvador in 1980, provides a helpful reminder to us of how much the U.S. national-security state warped and perverted the values of the American people, in the name of its anticommunist crusade during the Cold War. In the eyes of Cold War anticommunists, Romero was guilty of three things: believing in and preaching liberation theology, which they considered to be a communist doctrine, aligning himself with the poor, and opposing the brutal U.S.-supported Salvadoran military dictatorship that came to power in 1979. While no one was ever prosecuted for the assassination, it is widely believed that the hit was ordered by Salvadoran Major Robert d’Aubuisson, who operated Cold War military death squads that committed countless other assassinations of people who were suspected of being communists or socialists. According to Wikipedia, in 2010 a man named ...

Release the CIA’s Still-Secret JFK Records Now

Today, June 10, marks the anniversary of one of the most important and remarkable speeches in American history — President John F. Kennedy’s speech at American University on June 10, 1963 -- what has become known as the “Peace Speech.” Two excellent books have been written about the speech: To Move the World: JFK’s Quest for Speech by Jeffrey Sachs and Two Days in June: John F. Kennedy and the 49 Hours that Made History by Andrew Cohen. Why is that speech so important and so remarkable? Three reasons: One, it reflects that President Kennedy had achieved a breakthrough that was moving him toward ending the Cold War and establishing peaceful coexistence with the Soviet Union and Cuba. Two, JFK prepared the speech without notifying and consulting with the national-security establishment — i.e., the Pentagon and the CIA — because he didn't trust their judgment and he didn't agree with their vision for the future direction of America. Three, he purposefully ...

The JFK Assassination and the Inconceivable Doctrine

Despite the large amount of circumstantial evidence pointing to the culpability of the U.S. national-security state in the assassination of President Kennedy, there are still some people who exclaim “Conspiracy theory!” whenever someone challenges the official finding of the Warren Commission that JFK was felled by a former Marine lone-nut communist using a junk Italian-made World War II rifle with a misaligned site who just happened to be working in a building along the president’s parade route in Dallas. But let’s be fair: Some lone-nut proponents have made an extensive study of the evidence in the case and simply remain unpersuaded by it. Fair enough. People can look at circumstantial evidence in different ways and reach different conclusions, not only in interpreting the evidence but also with respect to the amount of evidence necessary to convince someone. What fascinates me, however, are those people who have never reviewed the evidence and who nonetheless are steadfast supporters of the Warren Commission’s findings. ...

Iran’s Criminal Justice System Looks Like Gitmo’s

Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian is being prosecuted in Iran for “espionage for the hostile government of the United States.” He was initially arrested and incarcerated without any charges being filed against him. He is now being tried in a secret trial before an unsympathetic judge. Sound familiar? It should. It’s the same type of “judicial” system that the U.S. government ...

The JFK Autopsy Cover-Up: The Testimony of Saundra Spencer

Ever since people began questioning the official findings of the Warren Commission regarding the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the popular retort of Warren Commission supporters has been “Conspiracy theory!” That retort was somewhat successful in the early years — that is, during the time that the CIA and the Pentagon were successful in keeping their records relating to ...