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The Cure for Widespread Murder in American Society

Not surprisingly, yesterday’s shootings in Virginia have brought out the gun-control crowd. Thus, the publication of FFF’s new ebook Freedom and Security: The Second Amendment and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms by Scott McPherson could not be more timely. The implicit assumption of the gun-grabbing segment of American society is that widespread gun ownership equals widespread murders with guns. By making guns illegal, the argument goes, people will comply with the law and so nobody will be murdered anymore with guns. But the argument is fallacious. Most people will comply with the law because they won’t want to take the risk of a felony conviction and a long term in jail. They are the regular, peaceful, law-abiding people who view guns as a way to defend themselves from murderers, rapists, robbers, and the like. But the assumption is invalid when it comes to murderers, rapists, and robbers. Since they don’t give a hoot about murder, rape, and robbery laws, they ...

FFF’s Fantastic New EBook on Gun Rights

As part of our new ebook project, The Future of Freedom Foundation has just published a new ebook entitled Freedom and Security: The Second Amendment and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms by longtime FFF author Scott McPherson. It is one of the best books — if not the best book — I have ever read on gun rights and gun control. In fact, if there was ever a definitive book making a principled case in favor of gun rights and against gun control, this is that book. Scott, who has long been a policy advisor at FFF (as well as a good personal friend of mine), is one of the best writers in the libertarian movement. In fact, he has become a great writer, period. Not only does he write regularly for FFF and other libertarian publications, he is also a regular and popular blogger at Portsmouth Patch. Most recently, his fictional works and poetry have ...

Today (Friday, August 14)! Last Day to Receive FFF’s FREE Ebook

Today, Friday, August 14, everyone can still get a FREE copy of my ebook Regime Change: The JFK Assassination. The free promotion ends at midnight tonight. Yesterday, the inordinately large number of free downloads vaulted Regime Change to the #1 position on Amazon’s list of free ebooks on 20th-century American history and #360 on Amazon’s overall list of free ebooks. There are thirteen comments under Regime Change on Amazon. All but one are positive. I am very grateful for people taking the time to read the book and to write a comment, even if it’s critical. I have posted all the comments at the end of this article for easy reading. The one negative comment is the one I wish to address in this article. It awarded 1 star to the book and it reads as follows: “Hand picked “facts” and innuendo do not make for a compelling argument” by Michael Kaufman I've been reading Jacob Hornberger's writings since before the was even ...

Was Donald Trump Right About John McCain?

Leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump set off a firestorm within the conservative community by suggesting that former Republican presidential candidate U.S. Senator John McCain shouldn’t be considered a war hero just for being captured during the Vietnam War. Apparently Trump has survived the firestorm because he’s still topping the Republican polls. In creating the controversy, however, Trump missed the ...

The National-Security’s State’s Crisis Racket

Imagine that Russia announced that it was reconstituting the Warsaw Pact and that Cuba, Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Grenada, and Bolivia had signed on as members. Imagine also that Russia fomented a regime-change operation in Mexico that succeeded in ousting the democratically elected president of the country and installing a pro-Russia ruler in his stead. Imagine that Russia then embarked on ...