Search Query: chile

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You searched for "chile" and here's what we found ...

The FBI vs. Apple and the JFK Assassination

There is one indisputable fact in the fight that the FBI is waging against Apple: In the criminal investigation of the San Bernardino shootings, U.S. officials are pulling out all the stops. In a desperate attempt to secure the information on the alleged shooters’ iphone, the feds have even secured a court order commanding Apple to effectively work for the government. What for? After all, both alleged shooters are dead. What’s the point of getting their iphone information if they’re both already dead? The point is that the shooters might have had confederates, or to use a term that is popularly used in federal criminal indictments, “co-conspirators.” As I wrote in my ebook Regime Change: The JFK Assassination, this is how we would expect the feds to operate, especially in a case involving mass murder. Imagine that all the people killed had instead been federal officers. In that case, no one can reasonably doubt that the feds would be doubling their efforts ...

Imagine Your Daughters Dying for South Korea and Eastern Europe

American parents might well rue the day that they refused to listen to us libertarians about the importance of dismantling the Cold War-era, dinosaur-like national-security establishment, or what President Eisenhower called the “military-industrial complex.” That’s because they might well see their daughters seized by the federal government, taken involuntarily to military boot camp, taught how to unconditionally obey orders barked at them, and killed or maimed in the defense of South Korea, Montenegro, Poland, or some other nation that the United States is automatically committed to defending as part of its many collective-defense treaties. Two members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller and Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley have now publicly stated that American women should be forced to register for the draft. Their reasoning? If young men can be forced to fight for the government, why not young women as well, especially given that women are now being permitted to join ...

Albright and Kissinger Bring Shame to Hillary Clinton

This past week’s campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination reveals that Hillary Clinton not only has good friends on Wall Street who pay her hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches but also some good friends who have served as loyal servants of the U.S. national-security establishment. At a campaign event last Saturday in New Hampshire, Madeleine Albright, who Clinton brought to New Hampshire to help her faltering campaign in that state, told people that “there is a special place in hell for women who don’t help” Hillary Clinton become president. That’s funny because that is precisely how people in the Middle East felt about Albright during her time as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations in Bill Clinton’s administration. They felt that there was a special place in hell reserved for Albright for what she said about the Iraqi children that she, the president, and the U.S. national-security establishment were killing with the deadly sanctions that the U.S. government ...

Venezuela, Like Chile, Is None of the U.S. Government’s Business

Ever since the U.S. government orchestrated the military coup in Chile in 1973 that ousted the democratically elected president of the country from office and installed the brutal military dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, interventionists have maintained that (1) the coup was necessary to save Chile from socialism and communism and (2) that the murders, rapes, torture, and incarceration ...

Would the Pentagon and CIA Permit Sanders to Be President?

Most people consider Bernie Sanders’ race for the presidency to be an exercise in futility. That’s because, they say, he doesn’t have any realistic chance of defeating Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party’s nomination. But there is another reason why Sanders’ quest for the presidency might be futile. It’s unlikely that the U.S. national-security establishment would ever permit Sanders to ...