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No CIA Regime Change in Venezuela

Venezuela is in a state of crisis and collapse. The socialist economic system of President Hugo Chavez and his successor Vicente Maduro has plunged the nation into an economic black hole, one that, according to a front-page article in today’s New York Times, is even “claiming the lives of untold numbers of Venezuelans.” The Times writes that the healthcare emergency that has been brought on by the economic crisis is “just part of a larger unraveling here that has become so severe it has prompted President Nicolas Maduro to impose a state of emergency and has raised fears of a government collapse.” In a nation that prides itself for its socialist healthcare system, “It is like something from the 19th century,” said Dr. Christian Pino, a surgeon at the University of Andes Hospital in Merida. All this, of course, raises an important question: Should the CIA use the crisis to target Venezuela for regime change, one by which the ...

Ellen Browning Scripps Would Have Been Proud

An interesting controversy has broken out at Scripps College in Claremont, California. Several students and professors are protesting the selection of former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Madeleine Albright, as the commencement speaker. The controversy at the small liberal arts college in California has sent the Los Angeles Times into emotional hyper-drive, causing the paper to weigh in on the controversy with an editorial and an op-ed criticizing the students and faculty who are doing the protesting. (Also publishing an article on the controversy.) The title of the Times editorial was “Students Need to Stop Being So Sensitive and Let Madeleine Albright Speak,” which was a bit misleading since the students are not threatening to prevent Albright from speaking or threatening to interrupt her talk with protests. The students are simply expressing their objections to the selection of Albright as their commencement speaker and, at most, simply expressing a preference for someone else. What’s wrong with that? For their part, ...

JFK and the National Security State

An update on FFF’s JFK/national-security state books: 1. The Kennedy Autopsy by Jacob G. Hornberger. Launched on September 4, 2014, this ebook continues to be FFF’s all-time bestseller. Soon after its publication, soaring sales caused the book to be listed on Amazon’s list of top 100 bestselling ebooks in 20th-century U.S. history. Today — a year and a half after publication — it is still #8 on that list. It has received 200 comments on Amazon, averaging 4 stars out of 5. Owing to the continued high interest in the book, it is now available in print and audio formats. A recent comment posted on Amazon: “This is a good book that clearly sets forth details about the events concerning the autopsy of President Kennedy. These events are haunting.”-Joey Harper, April 25, 2016. 2. JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why JFK Was Assassinated by Douglas Horne, who served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board in the 1990s. ...

America Doesn’t Need a National-Security State

The American people are absolutely convinced that they need the U.S. national-security establishment, namely, the military, the CIA, and the NSA. Without this totalitarian-like apparatus that was grafted onto America’s governmental system after World War II, it is commonly believed, Americans wouldn’t be safe. It’s the national-security state, the story goes, that is America’s last bastion against the terrorists, ...