Search Query: chile

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You searched for "chile" and here's what we found ...

China Isn’t the Only One Who Flaunts Court Rulings

Ever since an international tribunal in the Hague ruled against China last July in a dispute over ownership of islands in the South China Sea, the U.S. mainstream press has lambasted China for refusing to comply with the Court’s ruling. For example, three days ago a New York Times editorial pointed out that China, which had challenged the Court’s jurisdiction and refused to participate in the proceedings, took China to task for its “defiance, its acts of “provocation,” and its apparent lack of “commitment to the rule of law.” However, the Chinese communist regime is not the only government that refuses to comply with rulings of international tribunals. The U.S. government falls in the same category, something that the U.S. mainstream press, for some unknown reason, invariably fails to mention when castigating China for its decision. During the Cold War, the U.S. national-security establishment initiated one of its many regime-change operations against a socialist regime in Nicaragua. The operation entailed ...

U.S. Hypocrisy on Due Process with Duterte

The U.S. government is upset over Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte’s efforts to win the war on drugs. U.S. officials are criticizing Duterte for killing suspected drug-law violators without providing them due process of law. Ever since he was elected president of the country, Duterte has unleashed a state-sponsored reign of terror that includes extra-judicial executions of people suspected of violating the government’s drug laws. It would be difficult to find a better example of hypocrisy than that. After all, what Duterte is doing to win the war on drugs is no different from what the U.S. government is doing to win its war on terrorism. Due process of law is a term that originated with Magna Carta in the year 1215. Through the centuries, the doctrine developed and evolved in the law as one of the principal bulwarks against the tyranny of the British government against its own citizens. The American people ultimately demanded that due process of law be incorporated ...

Turkish Citizens versus Pinochet Coup Dead-Enders

One of the fascinating aspects of the attempted military coup in Turkey has been the reaction of the Turkish people to the military coup attempt. It stands in stark contrast to the attitude of American and Chilean right-wingers who still sing the praises of the U.S.-national-security-state-driven military coup in 1973 that brought army strongman Gen. Augusto Pinochet into power. At the time the Chilean coup took place, American and Chilean right wingers were celebrating Pinochet’s violent ouster of the country’s democratically elected president, Salvador Allende. Even today, you’ll find conservatives singing the praises of Pinochet and his national-security state’s military defeat of Allende. Keep in mind that Allende, like Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, was democratically elected in a legitimate election. Keep in mind also that Chile’s constitution, like that of Turkey, did not authorize the national-security branch of the government to oust the president from power for any reason whatsoever, including “national security.” Nonetheless, conservative Pinochet dead-enders, both here in the ...

The U.S. National-Security State’s Murder of Victor Jara

Prescript: (1) George Leef has a great article on gun control and the Second Amendment, which cites my recent blog post How They Could Confiscate Your AR-15. His article, which is entitled “Law Professor Demands Repeal of ‘Outdated’ Second Amendment, Makes Very Weak Case,” is really worth reading. (2) At, in an interesting blog post entitled “Hollywoodism,” ...