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Without Guns, How Do People Resist Tyranny?

Two weeks ago, a gunman unleashed a barrage of gunfire on communist comrades in China, leaving two officials wounded and the gunman dead, after he killed himself. The shooting was an oddity because in China it is illegal for citizens to own guns. As Business Insider pointed out in an article on the shooting, “Violent crime is rare in China, compared with other countries, and gun ownership is strictly controlled….” In their heart of hearts, that’s what American gun control advocates would love for America. China is their model. In the ideal world of gun-control proponents, no private American would be free to own guns and the only people who would have guns would be government officials, including state and local cops, the FBI, the DEA, ICE, Homeland Security, the NSA, the CIA, and, of course, the military. That ideal assumes that it would be possible to eradicate all the millions of guns that ...

Will the CIA Retaliate Against Trump?

In a truly remarkable bit of honesty and candor regarding the U.S. national-security establishment, new Senate minority leader Charles Schumer has accused President-elect Trump of “being really dumb.” Was Schumer referring to Trump’s ideology, philosophy, or knowledge about economics or foreign policy? None of the above. According to an article in The Hill, he told Rachel Maddow on her show that Trump was dumb for taking on the CIA and questioning its conclusions regarding Russia. “Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you…. He’s being really dumb to do this.” Maddow then asked Schumer what he thought the intelligence community might do to Trump to get back at him. Schumer’s response was fascinating and revealing. He responded, “I don’t know.” So, Schumer knows that there are six ways from Sunday for the intelligence community to get back at Trump but then, a few seconds later, can’t enumerate even one of those ways? ...

Donald Trump Versus the CIA

It’s going to be very interesting to see how the fight between President-elect Trump and the CIA comes out. Trump obviously believes that he’s going to be in charge of the federal government when he takes office. He is in for rude awakening. What all too many Americans simply do not want to confront is the fact when the national-security establishment was called into existence in the 1940s, it fundamentally altered America’s constitutional government structure in such a way that the military, the CIA, and, later the NSA, ended up becoming the most powerful branch of the federal government. Yes, I know, all of us are taught in our public schools the standard line — that the federal government is divided into three branches — the legislative (Congress), the judicial, and the executive (the president). It’s true that that was how the Constitution set up the original structure of the federal government. But all that changed with the conversion of the federal ...

Washington’s Meddling in Foreign Elections

As U.S. officials continue to accuse Russia of meddling with the U.S. presidential election, an accusation that they have provided no evidence whatsoever to support, let’s review some of the U.S. government’s history of meddling with elections in others countries. 1. In 1951, the democratically elected parliament of Iran elected a man named Mohammad Mossadegh to be Iran’s prime minister. ...

The U.S. Government’s Power to Assassinate

Throughout the presidential campaign, including the presidential debates, among the issues that have not been raised or discussed is the federal government’s power to assassinate. The power to assassinate is now consider an accepted power of the federal government. In fact, most people, especially mainstream reporters and pundits, treat federal assassinations with blasé and nonchalance. Most people undoubtedly believe that ...