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In a Pew Foundation opinion survey report in September of 2022, it was found that only 46 percent of Democrats had a “positive” view of capitalism, down from 55 percent in 2019. On the other hand, 74 percent of Republicans said they were positive on capitalism, which was a decrease from 78 percent in 2019. At the same time, of all those surveyed, only 23 percent strongly said that people have equal opportunities to be successful under socialism, compared to 36 percent who strongly say that opportunities for success are more likely under capitalism. Notice that large majorities think that opportunities for success do not exist under either system.
More men than women have a positive view of socialism (38 percent for women, 35 percent for men) than of capitalism (48 percent for women, 68 percent for men). Among age groups, 44 percent of those between 18 and 29 have a more positive view of socialism (44 percent) than of ...
There are two major obstacles to achieving a genuinely free society in our lifetime: one, a lack of understanding of the genuine principles of freedom, and two, a lack of faith in freedom.
The first obstacle involves principally nonlibertarians. The second obstacle involves everyone, including libertarians.
If someone were to conduct a survey among the American people today in which people were asked if they felt they lived in a free society, I would bet that the vast majority of Americans would respond yes. Sure, Americans complain about how the federal government operates, about the large amount of federal spending and debt, about regulatory mishaps, about the adverse results of various foreign interventions and wars, and about various other aspects of the welfare-warfare state system under which Americans live. But I believe that most Americans would willingly agree with singer Lee Greenwald’s refrain, “I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.”
My favorite quote is by the ...
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