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Our Ancestors Were Right About the Bill of Rights

A few weeks after the 9/11 attacks, a woman came up to me before I was to give a speech and said, “Thank goodness we have the Bill of Rights to protect us from the terrorists.” She was serious. As I engaged her in conversation, I realized that she really believed that the purpose of the Bill of Rights was to protect us from "the terrorists." I thought to myself: This poor woman. The public-school system, along with all the post-9/11 propaganda about “the terrorists” (later to morph into “the Muslims”) had really done a number on her. No, the Bill of Rights has nothing to do with protecting people from “the terrorists,” unless one thinks that U.S. officials, including the troops, are terrorists. That’s because the purpose of the Bill of Rights really is to protect the American people and others from federal officials, including the troops, the CIA, and the NSA. That shocks some Americans. It’s a very discomforting thought ...

The Pentagon and CIA Are the Cause of the Korean Crisis

Given that we all have been born and raised under the type of governmental structure known as a “national security state,” naturally many Americans are unable to imagine life under a different structure, such as a limited-government republic. Moreover, they are convinced that a vast, powerful, and permanent military establishment, the CIA, and the NSA are absolutely essential to keep them safe from enemies who, they have been led to believe, are hell-bent on taking over the United States. What all too many Americans are, unfortunately, incapable of fathoming, however, is that oftentimes it is the national-security establishment that is at the root of a particular crisis that is then used to justify the existence of the national-security structure. U.S. officials use the crisis to scare the American people into believing that without a national-security state, the United States would fall quickly to the enemy. Frightened, Americans end up supporting an expansion of the military establishment, the CIA, and the NSA, ...

The JFK Brain Mystery

Ever since the Kennedy assassination, a popular parlor game has been: What happened to JFK’s brain? The game has served as a useful distraction from the much more critically important issue, one that is still unexplained to this day by the Pentagon, which, strangely, was the entity that conducted the autopsy on President Kennedy’s body. This unexplained issue is: Why did U.S. military officials substitute another person’s brain for President Kennedy’s brain during their autopsy of the president's body? Notwithstanding all the controversy that continues to swirl around the assassination of President Kennedy more than 50 years ago, everyone agrees on at least one fact: There was a gunshot that hit President Kennedy in the head, one that blew out a large portion of his brain. There is no controversy or dispute about that fact. Yet, take a look at this rendition of an autopsy photograph of what is represented to be Kennedy’s brain that is part of the official ...

Trump’s Militarism and Isolationism

I cannot recommend too highly an op-ed that appeared in yesterday’s Washington Post, entitled, “Quit Calling Donald Trump an Isolationist. He’s Worse than That” by Stephen Wertheim, a Fellow in History at King’s College at the University of Cambridge. It is an absolutely excellent analysis of Trump, foreign policy, militarism, and isolationism. Those who support U.S. interventionism around the ...

The Assassination of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt, Part 2

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 Immediately after the bombing that killed Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt, Michael Moffitt began screaming, “DINA!” “Assassins!” The Washington, D.C., police who had arrived on the scene were mystified. Who the heck is Dina? they wondered. Moffitt was referring to the National Intelligence Directorate, an internal military-intelligence force within ...