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Reliving the Cold War

Ten more days until our conference “The National Security State and JFK.” June 3 at the Washington Dulles Marriott Hotel, which is located in northern Virginia (not D.C.). The hotel is about 3 minutes from the airport. Saturday, June 3. One-day conference. This is one of the best programs we have ever put together here at FFF. If you miss this one, I am certain that you are going to later say, “Darn, Jacob, I heard so many good things about your conference I wish I had gone.” Check out our schedule here: One might ask: What relevance does the Kennedy presidency have to events happening today? My answer: Look around you. The anti-Russia crusade is no different in principle from the anti-communist and anti-Soviet crusade that was taking place during the Kennedy administration and, for that matter, throughout the Cold War. During the Cold War, the worst crime that any president anywhere could commit, in the eyes of ...

Lying DEA Officials Get a Pass (Just Like Clapper)

Why is there one set of criminal laws for the private sector and another set for U.S. officials? The inspectors general for the State Department and the Justice Department have released a report that states that DEA officials lied to Congress about an episode in Honduras in which DEA agents killed innocent people. According to the report, the DEA falsely told Congress that its agents had shot drug smugglers in self-defense during in a nighttime shootout after a boat containing the victims had collided with a boat containing the DEA agents. The truth was that the boat containing the victims was nothing more than a commercial passenger vehicle that had the misfortune of colliding into the DEA boat. You can read all the details in this New York Times article and this article from the Intercept. Obvious, the DEA killings of those innocent people raise an important question: Under what constitutional authority does the DEA or any other U.S. official ...

Would a Coup Be Constitutional?

Amidst increasing talk of a “soft coup” against President Trump, in the nature of an impeachment, the question that naturally arises is: If an impeachment were to fail, would it be constitutional for the Pentagon and the CIA to oust Trump from office and either assume power temporarily in a “transition to democracy” or simply elevate Vice-President Pence to the presidency? Now, before anyone cries “conspiracy theory,” which is the term the CIA secretly invented to distract attention away from the Kennedy assassination, permit me to point out that there are lots of people in the mainstream press who are calling for Trump’s impeachment, notwithstanding the fact that he’s barely been in office for a bit more than 3 months. Moreover, before Trump’s election the Los Angeles Times, which is about as mainstream as a newspaper can be, published an op-ed that posed the possibility of a military coup against Trump. The op-ed, titled “If Trump Wins, a Coup Isn’t ...

The National-Security State’s Tradition of Embracing Dictators

The New York Times editorial board is outraged and indignant that President Trump has invited Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte to the United States to meet with Trump. In an editorial entitled “Donald Trump Embraces Another Despot,” the Times points to Duterte’s dictatorial practices, including his alleged state-sponsored murders of drug-law violators. The editorial also points to the ...