Search Query: covid

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You searched for "covid" and here's what we found ...

COVID-19 and the Right of Assembly

The COVID-19 pandemic, or rather the government’s response to it, has raised many concerns over the past few months. In just the last few months, we have seen how some of the lockdown measures represent a major attack on our individual liberty how the closure of churches has undermined the role of religion in a free society. In seeking to assess whether these measures are constitutional, though, there is a more fundamental issue at stake. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the federal government from “abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Given this, arguably any order that stops citizens from gathering together is, by definition, the start of the slippery slope to despotism. ...

Paying the Price for the Free Stimulus Money

Do you recall that $3 trillion in stimulus money that the federal government sent out to people? Do you recall it was free because, as everyone knows, the federal government is rich? Do you recall how the mainstream press was talking about how generous the federal government is to its citizens? Do you recall also how almost no one asked where all that free money was coming from? It was as if most everyone thought that the federal government had saved all that free money under its bed, available for use in an emergency. It was done through borrowing and monetary expansion — also known as inflation — by America’s central bank, the Federal Reserve. In essence, they print up those trillions of dollars in free money that is disbursed to the citizenry. In the process, they are inflating — or expanding — the money supply. The increase in ...

Defund the Pentagon

Many liberals and progressives in the Democratic Party have been loudly calling for the defunding of police departments around the country after the tragic death of a black man, George Floyd, at the hands of a white Minneapolis police officer. While defunding the police — not to be confused with disbanding the police — means different things to different people, most advocates propose redirecting a portion of city and county police budgets to social programs, mental health intervention, combating homelessness, and affordable housing programs. Conservatives and Republicans have generally pushed back against calls to defund the police. They typically maintain that the level of police misconduct is overstated, that police departments just need to be reformed, and that violent crime and property crime will increase if police department budgets are cut. In response to some major cities calling for defunding the police, Donald Trump simply said, “We won’t be defunding our police. We won’t be dismantling our police. We won’t ...