Search Query: covid

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You searched for "covid" and here's what we found ...

Trump’s Fall and the Rise of the Tribal Collectivists

It has often been said that religious wars are the most unforgiving because one or both protagonists are absolutely, if not fanatically, certain that “the” truth is on their side. This is threatening to become the situation in America today with the ideological dogmatism seen in the mindset and extremism of the identity politics warriors and cancel culture crusaders, and their allies in the political party that has swept into controlling power in Washington, D.C. as a result of the recent presidential and congressional elections. We see that not only to the victor goes the spoils, but a vengefulness of taking advantage of the victory to seemingly condemn and exorcize all and everything viewed as part of the defeated “deplorables.” Not that Donald Trump and many in the Republican Party had not brought this down on themselves. In his manner and message from the time he began running for the office of the presidency, Trump aroused anger, shock, and contempt ...

Statist Blindness on Iran

A January 3 op-ed in the Los Angeles Times advocates that the Biden administration partially lift U.S. government sanctions on Iran to enable Iran to buy Covid vaccines. The op-ed is written by John W. Lambert, a former professor at the U.S. Navy Academy and a former U.S. deputy assistant secretary of state for Iran, and Bahman Baktiari, the executive director of the Baskerville Institute. Why, isn’t that so nice? What a beautiful proposal that is. Why, doesn’t it just perfectly reflect how good and generous the American people are? The authors write, “If the Biden administration works out a COVID deal that facilitates shipments of vaccines to the Iranian people, it will win over the hearts and minds of millions in that country, strengthening the deep but frayed bonds of friendship between ordinary Americans and Iranians.” What a crock! The U.S. government has been killing Iranians with its evil, illegal, immoral, and illegitimate ...

Conservative Hypocrisy on Foreign Aid

After initially threatening to veto it, Donald Trump signed into law a $2.3 trillion, 5,593-page spending bill that no member of Congress had read. The “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021” (H.R.133), which is a combination of twelve annual funding bills, COVID-19 relief, and pounds and pounds of pork, passed the House in two separate votes of 327-85 and 359-53. The first vote was on appropriations for the federal departments of Commerce, Justice, Defense, Treasury, and Homeland Security, and some federal components, including the White House and the District of Columbia. The second vote included appropriations for the remainder of the federal government as well as coronavirus stimulus and relief and many other miscellaneous provisions. The bill passed the Senate by a vote of 92-6. This bill funds the federal government through the end of the fiscal year (September 30, 2021) with $900 billion allocated for COVID-19 relief and a new $300 weekly supplement for the unemployed. ...