Search Query: covid

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You searched for "covid" and here's what we found ...

The Government’s War on Free Speech

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” — George Washington It’s a given that the government is corrupt, unaccountable, and has exceeded its authority. So what can we do about it? The first remedy involves speech (protest, assembly, speech, prayer, and publicity), and lots of it, in order to speak truth to power. The First Amendment, which is the cornerstone of the Bill of Rights, affirms the right of “we the people” to pray freely about our grievances regarding the government. We can gather together peacefully to protest those grievances. We can publicize those grievances. And we can express our displeasure (peacefully) in word and deed. Unfortunately, tyrants don’t like people who speak truth to power. The American Police State has shown itself to be particularly intolerant of free speech activities that challenge its authority, stand up to its power grabs, and force it to operate according to the rules of the ...

Post-Covid Policy Advice from Ludwig von Mises for Developing Countries

The coronavirus and the government responses with shutdowns and lockdowns, along with restrictions on international travel and disruptions of the global supply chains that crisscross countries and continents, have made a fuller and more rapid recovery difficult in the Western industrialized countries, but even more so in many places in what used to be called during the Cold War, the underdeveloped nations of the “Third World.” The question is what may be the best domestic and trade policies for these countries to follow in such trying times? By 2019, out of a world population of around 7.7 billion people, less than 9 percent of humanity still lived in poverty. The declines in the poverty figures, while not uniform in all places in the developing world, were amazing, compared to the 1970s when it was closer to 40 percent. But a United Nations report issued in December 2020 suggested that as many as 100 million people will have ...

The Conflict of the Ages

The year 2020 was a dreadful year as it relates to individual liberty, free association, commercial freedom, and private property, and 2021 isn’t looking much better. The main reason, of course, is not the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), but the government response to it. Volumes could be written about the government-mandated restrictions on peaceful activity  that have been instituted during this manufactured crisis: curfews, lockdowns, stay-at-home orders, shelter-in-place orders; the closing of “unessential” businesses, public beaches, parks, swimming pools, basketball courts, and playgrounds; the canceling of concerts and sporting events; church closures, school closures, “social distancing,” mask requirements, indoor dining bans, alcohol bans, and store and restaurant capacity limits. A skateboard park in Southern California was filled in with 37 tons of sand by city government workers after skateboarders refused to stop using it. During the holiday season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued “guidelines” for holiday celebrations and gatherings. Americans were told not to travel for Thanksgiving. However, ...