Search Query: chile

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You searched for "chile" and here's what we found ...

The U.S. Destruction of Afghanistan

Imagine a suicide bomber blowing himself up in New York City and killing 95 people. It would be big news on television and on the front pages of the nation’s newspapers. Everyone in the United States would be talking about it, especially if the Taliban claimed credit for it. It’s somewhat different when it happens in Afghanistan, where a suicide bomber just killed 95 people and injured 158 others in Kabul. Yes, it’s big new over there but not as big over here, at least not as big compared to how it would be if it happened in Manhattan. But there is one thing that we should all keep in mind: That while the attacker herself, along with the Taliban, obviously bear direct responsibility for the attack, it is the U.S. government, through its interventionist foreign policy, that is indirectly responsible for the ongoing chaos, death, and destruction in Afghanistan, just like it is in Iraq, Libya, and other parts of ...

How U.S. Sanctions Work Their Evil

The killing of Oscar Perez by Venezuelan goons serving the socialist dictatorship of President Nicolas Maduro demonstrates perfectly the evil nature of U.S. sanctions against foreign countries. Perez was a rebel police officer who recently took up arms in the hopes of leading a revolution against the Maduro regime, whose socialist economic policies have plunged the nation into economic chaos, crisis, and deprivation and whose political policies have established a brutal dictatorial regime. Perez was obviously certain that the Venezuelan populace would follow him into battle, oust Maduro from power, reestablish democratic rule, and bring an end to socialist economic policies. It didn’t happen. No matter how much Perez exhorted the Venezuelan people to revolt, they chose not do so. Maybe they decided that a revolt was likely to fail, especially given that gun control in Venezuela has left them disarmed. Maybe they decided that life under a socialist dictatorship, while horrible, was nonetheless preferable to the death and destruction that comes ...

Why Is the U.S. Spying on China?

The federal government’s arrest of former CIA agent Jerry Chun Shing Lee for allegedly spying for China confirms, once again, that for the U.S. national-security branch of the federal government, the Cold War never ended. Yesterday, the New York Times reported that Lee is suspected of having revealed the existence to Chinese authorities of Chinese citizens who were serving as spies for the U.S. national-security establishment. Those Chinese citizens, not surprisingly, were subsequently executed by Chinese officials for serving as spies for the U.S. government. Wait a minute! Forgive me for asking a question that it doesn’t even occur to the mainstream media to ask: What in the world is the U.S. government doing spying on China? I thought the Cold War was over. I thought that it ended in 1989. I thought China was supposed to be a friend of the United States. Why is the U.S. government hiring Chinese citizens to spy on their own government? (Perhaps ...

Liberal, Conservative, and Libertarian Solutions for Venezuela

Venezuela is in the throes of a deep political and economic crisis. The country’s democratic system has produced two successive tyrannical dictators, Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro. There are extreme shortages of food and other essential items. Prices are rising at a rate of around 700 percent. There are massive anti-government protests involving hundreds of thousands of people, with ...

The Extra-Legal Backstop for a Dangerous President

The military in Zimbabwe announced yesterday that it had arrested the country’s president, Robert Mugabe. While a military spokesman denied that a military takeover was underway, all signs indicate that he is lying. The president’s whereabouts are unknown, military checkpoints have been established on streets in the capital, tanks have been seen near the capital, and the military has ...