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April 26: The CIA’s JFK Cover-Up Will Continue

REMINDER: The Ron Paul Institute and The Future of Freedom Foundation are co-hosting a conference on U.S. foreign policy in Charleston, SC, on Sunday, April 29, from 1-5 pm. Speakers: Ron Paul, Dan McAdams, Richard Ebeling, and Jacob Hornberger. Details here. *** Mark April 26 on your calendar. That’s the new date that on which the CIA and other federal agencies are finally going to be required to disclose some of their remaining JFK-assassination-related records. Mark also my prediction: It’s not going to happen. There is no way that the CIA is going to permit the release of those records. Why? Because the CIA knows that the records will provide more pieces of circumstantial evidence that point in the direction of a U.S. regime-change operation on November 22, 1963. There is no way that the CIA is going to permit that to happen. The upcoming April 26 controversy arises in the context of the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act, which Congress ...

Lift the Cuban Embargo

NEWS FLASH: The Ron Paul Institute and The Future of Freedom Foundation are co-hosting a conference on U.S. foreign policy in Charleston, SC, on Sunday, April 29, from 1-5 pm. Speakers: Ron Paul, Dan McAdams, Richard Ebeling, and Jacob Hornberger. Details here. *** Why does the U.S. government insist on maintaining its half-century old economic embargo against Cuba? What’s its justification for intentionally inflicting economic harm on the Cuban people? Is it because Cuba is ruled by a communist regime? So what if it is? Why should that be a justification for intentionally inflicting harm on the Cuban populace? After all, does the U.S. government maintain an economic embargo against Vietnam? Against China? Those two nations are also ruled by communist regimes. Why no economic embargo against them? Is it because Cuban government is run by a dictatorial regime? So what if it is? Why should that be a justification for intentionally inflicting economic harm on the Cuban populace? The ...

The Anti-Muslim Mindset Shows the Power of Indoctrination and Propaganda

NEWS FLASH: The Ron Paul Institute and The Future of Freedom Foundation are co-hosting a conference on U.S. foreign policy in Charleston, SC, on Sunday, April 29, from 1-5 pm. Speakers: Ron Paul, Dan McAdams, Richard Ebeling, and Jacob Hornberger. Details forthcoming. *** According to an article in the New York Times this week, anonymous letters were recently sent to people in different communities in England saying that April 3 would be “Punish a Muslim Day.” The letter announced that points would be rewarded for acts of violence against Muslims, including 500 points for murdering a Muslim and 1,000 points for bombing a mosque. At the risk of belaboring the obvious, the anti-Muslim mindset also afflicts many Americans, especially among the right-wing or conservative movement. What most, if not all, of these people fail to recognize is that their anti-Muslim mindsets are the result of indoctrination and propaganda, no different in principle from the type of indoctrination and propaganda that ...

Pinochet’s Chicago Boys versus Freedom

Ever since the U.S.-supported military coup in Chile that brought Gen. Augusto Pinochet to power in 1973, American and Chilean conservatives have extolled the economic policies that the Pinochet regime brought to Chile. The policies, which conservatives have long described as “free-market,” originated within a group of Chilean economists known as the Chicago Boys, who accepted governmental positions in ...