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The Right to Bodily Integrity

We’ve reached the point where state actors can penetrate rectums and vaginas, where judges can order forced catheterizations, and where police and medical personnel can perform scans, enemas and colonoscopies without the suspect’s consent. And these procedures aren’t to nab kingpins or cartels, but people who at worst are hiding an amount of drugs that can fit into a body cavity. In most of these cases, they were suspected only of possession or ingestion. Many of them were innocent... But these tactics aren’t about getting drugs off the street... These tactics are instead about degrading and humiliating a class of people that politicians and law enforcement have deemed the enemy. —Radley Balko, The Washington Post Freedom is never free. There is always a price—always a sacrifice—that must be made in order to safeguard one’s freedoms. Where that transaction becomes more complicated is when one has to balance the rights of the individual with the needs of the community. Philosophers ...

Happy Hour May Be Getting a Little Happier

“It’s five o’clock somewhere,” so the song and the story go. This phrase is used by those wishing to justify drinking alcohol at some point during the day instead of waiting until the usual evening hours. But a happy hour is not always just an hour. In 39 of the 50 states, some restaurants, bars, and nightclubs have happy hour from 5 to 7 on Monday through Friday, or at some other period of time that is more than an hour. During happy hour, discounted drinks and food are offered, and sometimes along with some other perks. However, in 10 of 50 states in the “land of the free,” there is no happy hour. Happy hour bans are in effect in the states of Alaska, Delaware, Hawaii, Indiana, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Utah, and Vermont. But happy hour may be getting a little happier. In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State Representative for the 26th Middlesex District,