Search Query: chile

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You searched for "chile" and here's what we found ...

Pity Latin Americans (and Us Too)

You can’t help but feel sorry for Latin Americans. They inevitably end up with either a right-wing “capitalist” dictator or a left-wing socialist dictator. The right-wing dictator tends to favor conservative economic policies while, at the same time, using his military and intelligence goons to round up and incarcerate unpatriotic critics and socialists, torture them, and even execute or disappear them. The left-wing dictator tends to favor socialist economic policies, which bring nothing but chaos, crisis, impoverishment, economic misery, and even starvation to the citizenry, while oftentimes also engaging in things like indefinite detention, torture, and disappearances. A good example of this phenomenon is what just happened in Brazil. After several years of suffering under the socialist regimes of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and his successor Dima Rousseff, Brazilians now get to suffer under the regime of a right-wing dictator, Jair Bolsonaro, who has just been elected president. He’s a former Army captain who sings the praises of the military ...

Brent Taylor Did Not Die for God, Family, and Country

This past weekend, Major Brent Taylor was killed in action in Afghanistan, where the U.S. government has now been waging war for 17 long years. At the time he was killed, the 39-year-old Taylor was training an Afghan security force. One of his trainees turned his gun on Taylor and shot him dead. Taylor, however, wasn’t only a soldier. He also was serving as the elected mayor of North Ogden, Utah. A member of the National Guard, Taylor gave up his post as mayor to serve a 4th tour in Afghanistan. He leaves behind a wife and 7 children, whose ages range from 11 months to 13 years. Not surprisingly, today interventionists are making the standard announcement — that Taylor died for God, family, and country. The truth though is that Taylor didn’t die for any of those things. Instead, he died for empire and intervention, which are not the same as God, family, and country. It’s just that interventionists want ...

The Saudis Will Get Away with Murder

In my article “Don’t Be Surprised If Saudis Get Away with Murder,” I detailed the U.S. national-security state’s kidnapping and assassination of Gen. Rene Schneider in 1970. The point I made is that the power to assassinate comes with any nation whose government is founded on the concept of a national-security state. That includes the United States, where the military and the CIA wield the omnipotent, non-reviewable power to assassinate people who they deem to be threats to “national security.” Given that the U.S. national-security state got away with murder in the case of Gen. Schneider, what are the odds that there will be a different outcome in Saudi Arabia? Sure, there might be some underlings who have to fall on their swords as a sacrifice to the greater good, but the chance that higher-ups in the Saudi regime will be held accountable for the murder is virtually nil. Another example of this immunity-and-impunity phenomenon on the part of the ...

Don’t Be Surprised If Saudis Get Away with Murder

While many people are decrying the possibility that the Saudi regime orchestrated and carried out the assassination of Jamal Khashoggi, they are limiting their analysis to whether the U.S. government should “punish” Saudi Arabia by cancelling weapons contracts and other related things. Unfortunately, they are not thinking at a higher level, one that would entail recognizing the role that ...

U.S. Policy toward Cuba Attacked America’s Freedom and Values

The decades-long U.S. interventionist policy against Cuba failed to achieve its goal of removing Fidel Castro from power and replacing him with a pro-U.S. regime, similar to the pro-U.S. Batista regime that the Cuban revolution ousted from power in 1959. More important, interventionism against Cuba ended up attacking the freedom and values of the American people. During the Cold War, ...