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You searched for "horman" and here's what we found ...

The Military Has Shamed Us with Gitmo

We should bear in mind what the Pentagon initially had in mind when it established its prison camp and judicial system at Guantanamo Bay after the 9/11 attacks. Its plan was to make its prison camp totally independent from any judicial review or congressional control whatsoever. It was going to be a facility that would under the total control of the military. One of the most fascinating aspects of Gitmo has been the Pentagon’s total denigration of the principles in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Think about that for a moment. The Constitution is the founding document of our nation. It reflects principles of freedom that are important to Americans. And yet, here was the American military establishment setting up a system whose principles flew in the face of our nation’s founding document. That’s, of course, ironic, because, as every American knows, every soldier takes an oath to support to support and defend the Constitution. But when they had the opportunity ...

Resembling the Pinochet Regime

Let’s assume that an American critic of U.S. foreign policy goes abroad and travels around the Middle East delivering a series of lectures, speeches, and articles attacking the U.S. invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. He refuses to support the troops, saying that when people are engaged in wrongdoing, regardless of their particular occupation, they should not be supported by people of conscience. He repeatedly calls for an end to U.S. imperialism and interventionism, including a termination of all U.S. foreign aid to dictatorships, the Israeli government, and every other regime in the world. The president calls a super-secret meeting of his super-secret assassination commission, which has the authority to conduct super-secret deliberations on the assassination of people, including Americans. The commission determines that the American critic, as a terrorist sympathizer and a critic of the troops, hates his country and, even worse, is a grave threat to national security and therefore needs to be either captured and tortured ...

The Murder of Mary Pinchot Meyer

In early 1976 the National Enquirer published a story that shocked the elite political class in Washington, D.C. The story disclosed that a woman named Mary Pinchot Meyer, who was a divorced spouse of a high CIA official named Cord Meyer, had been engaged in a two-year sexual affair with President John F. Kennedy. By the time the article was published, JFK had been assassinated, and Mary Pinchot Meyer herself was dead, a victim of a murder that took place in Washington on October 12, 1964. The murder of Mary Pinchot Meyer is the subject of a fascinating and gripping new book by Peter Janney, who was childhood friends with Mary Meyer’s three sons and whose father himself was a high CIA official. Janney’s father and mother socialized in the 1950s with the Meyers and other high-level CIA officials. Janney’s book, Mary’s Mosaic, is one of those books that you just can’t put down once you start reading it. ...

Hornberger’s Blog, January 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012 Just Ditch Medicare and Medicaid I just don’t get conservatives. They say they support individual freedom, economic liberty, free markets, limited government, and the Constitution. They also say they oppose socialism, interventionism, collectivism, and paternalism. They point out that such isms just don’t work. Okay, fine. Then why don’t conservatives call for the immediate repeal of Medicare and Medicaid? Why ...

Time for the United States to Confront Its Coups

Two Latin American countries — Chile and Guatemala — are confronting coups of long ago that ousted democratically elected presidents and installed U.S.-supported unelected dictators in their stead. In 1973 Chilean Army Gen. Augusto Pinochet ousted democratically elected Chilean President Salvador Allende from office in a violent coup. Allende died during the coup, and it has always been commonly accepted ...