Search Query: open borders

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You searched for "open borders" and here's what we found ...

Keep the Borders Open

This article was originally published in the January 2002 edition of The World and I. In times of crisis, it is sometimes wise and constructive for people to return to first principles and to reexamine and reflect on where we started as a nation, the road weve traveled, where we are today, and the direction in which were headed. Such a reevaluation can help determine whether a nation has deviated from its original principles and, if so, whether a restoration of those principles would be in order. It is impossible to overstate the unusual nature of American society from the time of its founding to the early part of the 20th century. Imagine: no Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, income taxation, welfare, systems of public (i.e., government) schooling, occupational licensure, standing armies, foreign aid, foreign ...

Keep the Borders Open

This article was originally published in the January 2002 edition of The World and I. In times of crisis, it is sometimes wise and constructive for people to return to first principles and to reexamine and reflect on where we started as a nation, the road we’ve traveled, where we are today, and the direction in which we’re headed. Such a reevaluation can help determine whether a nation has deviated from its original principles and, if so, whether a restoration of those principles would be in order. It is impossible to overstate the unusual nature of American society from the time of its founding to the early part of the 20th century. Imagine: no Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, income taxation, welfare, systems of public (i.e., government) schooling, occupational licensure, standing armies, foreign aid, foreign ...

Liberal Hypocrisy on DACA

The left is up in arms in anger, indignation, and outrage over President Trump’s decision to cancel the DACA immigration program established by President Obama, which protects young immigrants who were brought by their parents to the United States illegally as children from being forcibly deported to their country of citizenship. In the process, liberals are missing an important point: Trump is doing nothing more than enforcing immigration controls, a governmental system that every liberal believes in, supports, and defends with every fiber of his being. After all, what do liberals say when confronted by us libertarians, who favor open borders? “Oh my gosh, Jacob. That’s too radical. Why, the Muslims would come and get us and force us to study Sharia law if we have open borders.” That, of course, is a ridiculous and irrational fear. Moreover, one thing is certain: Under the libertarian paradigm of open borders, no “dreamer” would be deported. For that matter, neither would anyone else ...