Search Query: chile

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You searched for "chile" and here's what we found ...

They Killed King for the Same Reason They Killed Kennedy

Amidst all the anti-Russia brouhaha that has enveloped our nation, we shouldn’t forget that the U.S. national-security establishment — specifically the Pentagon, CIA, and FBI — was convinced that Martin Luther King Jr. was a communist agent who was spearheading a communist takeover of the United States. This occurred during the Cold War, when Americans were made to believe that there was a gigantic international communist conspiracy to take over the United States and the rest of the world. The conspiracy, they said, was centered in Moscow, Russia — yes, that Russia! That was, in fact, the justification for converting the federal government to a national-security state type of governmental structure after the end of World War II. The argument was that a limited-government republic type of governmental structure, which was the nation’s founding governmental system, was insufficient to prevent a communist takeover of the United States. To prevail over the communists in what was being called a “Cold War,” it ...

Assassination Nation

We are all familiar with the Pentagon’s and CIA’s torture center and prison camp at Guantanamo Bay Cuba, where the U.S. national-security establishment has knowingly, intentionally, and deliberately destroyed protections guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Those include the right to a speedy trial, right to effective assistance of counsel, right to remain silent, right to trial by jury, and right to confront adverse witnesses. It’s worth noting that that the national-security state’s power to assassinate people also violates the Bill of Rights, specifically the Fifth Amendment, which reads in part as follows: "No person shall be … deprived of life … without due process of law." There are two important points to note about that restriction on the power of the federal government: One, the restriction is not limited to American citizens. By the use of the word “person,” rather than “citizen,” the protection extends to everyone in the world.  The federal government ...

In Search of Baghdadi to Destroy

In celebrating the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, U.S. interventionists are emphasizing how vicious and brutal the man was and, therefore, that the world is better off that he is now dead. How vicious and brutal? Well, let’s do some comparison asking. Was he more vicious and brutal than the current leader of Saudi Arabia, an unelected dictator whose people murdered and dismembered an innocent man in cold blood while he was visiting a Saudi embassy in a foreign country to get documents relating to his upcoming marriage? Perhaps it’s worth mentioning that that Saudi leader is a proud partner and ally of the U.S. government. Was he more vicious and brutal than the leader of Egypt, an unelected military dictator who uses U.S.-supplied weaponry to kill, torture, or jail political dissidents and who suppresses the results of any ...