The National Security State & JFK
The Future of Freedom Foundation hosted of the most fascinating, important, and relevant conferences in our 27-year history. Entitled “The National Security State and JFK,” the conference was held on Saturday, June 3, 2017, at the Dulles Airport Marriott in Northern Virginia. The conference examined the nature, origins, and consequences of America as a national security state since the end of World War II, including such programs as regime-change operations, invasions, occupations, coups, support of dictatorships, assassination, torture, indefinite detention, rendition, and kidnappings. The conference also focused on President John F. Kennedy’s turn toward peace and friendly relations with the Soviet Union, and Cuba and his resulting war against the U.S. national-security establishment.

Double Government and the ‘Best Truth’ about the Assassination
Regime Change: Roots of the Imperial Temptation
The National Security Establishment’s Obsession with Invading Cuba
What Is The Purpose of the National Security State?
JFK & Mary Meyer: Relationship as Redemption
Angleton, Cuba, and Assassination
Enemies: Foreign and Domestic
The National Security State: The Biggest Mistake in U.S. History
Vietnam Declassified: Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon