Civil liberties are an essential prerequisite to a free society. Our American ancestors understood this important principle, which is why they demanded the enactment of the Bill of Rights as a condition for approving the Constitution.
Our civil liberties have never been more endangered than they are today, especially with the recent federal move to turn the deadly and destructive war on terrorism inward — towards American society. As we have witnessed for 20 years, the war on terrorism entails torture, state-sponsored assassinations, military tribunals, and denial of due process of law, trial by jury, and speedy trial.
The federal government and state governments also continue to enforce their decades-long failed, deadly, and destructive war on drugs, not only by punishing people for possessing or distributing unapproved drugs but also through punitive measures like civil-asset forfeiture and violent no-knock raids.
Freedom of speech, gun rights, privacy, freedom of travel, freedom of association, freedom of trade, and the right to live one’s life the way he chooses so long as his conduct is peaceful. All of these fundamental rights are under constant assault by both federal and state officials.
It is imperative that we stop this massive infringement on our civil liberties. To that end, The Future of Freedom Foundation is pleased to announce an online conference entitled “Restoring Our Civil Liberties,” which will featured of the finest speaker lineups we have ever had: Tom G. Palmer, Stephen P. Holbrook, James Bovard, Michael J. Glennon, Richard M. Ebeling, Jonathan Turley, Andrew P. Napolitano, Ron Paul, and Jacob G. Hornberger.

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