What Name Should We Use for the Worldview of People like Ibram X. Kendi? by George Leef, National Review
When Property Owners Lose the Right to Exclude, the Whole Economy Suffers by Thomas A. Berry and Nathaniel Lawson, Cato Institute
Biden Announces New Plan To Forgive Student Debt in Cases of Financial ‘Hardship’ by Emma Camp, Reason
Why Shareholder Firms Tend to Persist Over Worker-Owned Models by Caleb S. Fuller, Independent Institute
Why Painting Without a License Could Soon Be Illegal in Minnesota by Jon Miltimore, Foundation for Economic Education
Schools With “Radical Politics” Must Be Tolerated in a Free Society by Kerry McDonald, Foundation for Economic Education
Inside the Latest Biden Showdown With Second Amendment Devotees by James Bovard, American Conservative
The CIA Was Waging a (Cold) War Against Russia Way Before the Ukraine Invasion by Jon Miltimore, The Take