First Reported Massacre of Afghan Civilians Under Trump Takes at Least 18 Lives by Sarah Lazare, Alternet
It’s Time to Permanently Abolish the DOE Green-Energy Loan Programs by Veronique de Rugy, National Review
An Ivy League Professor Who Spent 4 Months Working in a South Bronx Check-Cashing Store Says We’re Getting It All Wrong by Alex Morrell, Business Insider
America Has Too Many Military Bases by Christopher A. Preble and William D. Hartung, National Interest
Former CIA Analyst Sues Defense Department to Vindicate NSA Whistleblowers by Jenna McLaughlin, The Intercept
Highway Robbery Gets Presidential Seal of Approval by Brittany Hunter, Foundation for Economic Education
Jeff Sessions, Fan of the Drug War and Asset Forfeiture, Confirmed as Attorney General by Scott Shackford, Reason