How the Trump Administration Is Turning Judges into “Prosecutors in a Judge’s Robe” by Patt Morrison, Los Angeles Times
Is Nationalism the Friend or Foe of Liberty? by Jeffrey A. Tucker, American Institute for Economic Research
Conservatives Would Use Mollie Tibbetts’ Murder To Build the Police State They Once Denounced by Nick Gillespie, Reason
Elizabeth Warren Looks to Make Cronyism Great Again by Daniel J. Mitchell, Foundation for Economic Education
If Police Really Put American Lives Ahead Of Their Own, They’d Hurt Fewer People by Lucy Steigerwald, The Federalist
Your Government Has a Secret Kill List. Is That OK with You? by Tom Emswiler and William Isenberg, Boston Globe
On National Security, Kavanaugh Has a History of Extreme Deference to the President by Hina Shamsi, ACLU
Trump stripping Mexican Americans of Their Passports on Flimsy Evidence Is Unconscionable, Even for Him by Editorial, Los Angeles Times