The Best Way to Honor Fallen Soldiers Is to Stop Sending Troops to War by Carey Wedler, Foundation for Economic Education
The Predictable Fate of Julian Assange: An Assault Against Liberty by Gary D. Barnett,
Conservative Arguments Against Huawei Contradict What Conservatives Used to Believe by John Tamny, Real Clear Markets
How the NSA’s Targeting System for Iraq and Afghanistan Ended Up on the Mexican Border by Henrik Moltke, The Intercept
Authoritarian Spirits: Congress, the Espionage Act and Punishing WikiLeaks by Binoy Kampmark, Counterpunch
The US Negotiates Pace with John Walker Lindh’s Former Commander Upon Prison Release by Moazzam Begg, 5 Pillars
Oh, Great — Mike Pence Tells West Point Grads to ‘Expect Combat’ by Stuart Sheldon, Los Angeles Times