The Real—and Flawed—Reason Some Classical Liberals Embrace Universal Basic Income by Bryan Caplan, Foundation for Economic Education
Price Controls Aren’t the Answer on Pharmaceuticals by Ross Marchand, Foundation for Economic Education
U.S. 7th Fleet Cruiser Ignores Rules At Sea – Nearly Collides With Russian Destroyer by Moon of Alabama,
Smugglers Earned as Much as $2.3 Billion Helping Migrants Cross Border in 2017 by Mairead McArdle, National Review
Dare We Even Now Send Our Naive Young into Foolish Wars? by Tom Palaima and Al Martinich, Waco Tribune-Herald
Instead of a US Peace Plan for the Middle East, How about a US Peace Plan for the US? by Thomas L. Knapp, Garrison Center
In Media’s Looking Glass, US Doesn’t Threaten Iran But Merely Responds to Iranian Threats by Gregory Shupak, FAIR
Obama’s Forgotten Frauds and Debacles (audio) by James Bovard with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show