Tulsi Gabbard Has Done the Unpardonable: Criticized US Global Hegemony by David Bromwich , Mondoweiss
The Dangerous Foreign Policy of ‘National Conservatism’ (audio) by Hunter DeRensis with Scott Horton, The Scott Horton Show
ICE Deported Him to a Country He’d Never Seen. He Died 2 Months Later. by Alissa J. Rubin and Nicholas Bogel-Burroughs, New York Times
Why New Laws Against White Supremacist Violence Are the Wrong Response to El Paso by Trevor Aaronson, The Intercept
“Weaponized” Currency and Mining Limits: China’s Responses to Trump Take Shape by Alexandra Stevenson, New York Times
I Immigrated to the US to Pursue the American Dream, Not to Pay for Your College Degree by Jen Sidorova, Foundation for Economic Education
Right to Bear Arms Protected by Highest Category of Liberty Recognized by Law by Andrew P. Napolitano, Washington Times