As Trump Tweets He Is ‘Bringing Soldiers Home,’ Pentagon Chief Says US Forces Leaving Syria Are Shifting to Iraq by Jake Johnson, Common Dreams
Informant Reveals FBI’s Already Vast Powers to Investigate Right-Wing Extremists by Trevor Aaronson, The Intercept
In the Hands of Police, Facial Recognition Software Risks Violating Civil Liberties by Jimmy Gomez and Lisa Rosenberg, USA Today
Trump’s Rhetorical Assault on the Foreign Policy Consensus by Christopher A. Preble, John Glaser, and A. Trevor Thrall, Cato Institute
Trump’s Syria Conundrum Is a Sign That America Has Too Many Alliances by Ted Galen Carpenter, Cato Institute
Trump Should Heed History and End His Trade Wars by Lawrence J. McQuillan and Lamar K. Hendrikse, Independent Institute
The Immigrants Trump Denounces Have Helped Revive the Cities He Scorns by Emily Badger and Quoctrung Bui, New York Times
The Media and Establishment Hysteria over Syria (audio) by David Stockman with Scott Horton, Scott Horton Show